Summoning all my courage, I managed to gather my wits and stammer out a greeting.

"Uh, h-hi there! Welcome to the café. C-can I take your orders?" I tried my best to sound confident, but my voice quivered with nerves.

I'm so pathetic.

The guy with the with the tousled blond locks and striking pale, blue eyes flashed me a polite smile, his voice dripping with a touch of sarcasm. "Nice flip flops," he remarked, his eyes briefly glancing down at my worn-out footwear.

Embarrassment flooded through me, and I tried to salvage the situation with a feeble attempt at humour.

"Oh, these old things? They're my secret weapon against gravity. Keeps me grounded, you know?" I chuckled awkwardly, hoping to lighten the atmosphere

Oh my god.

I hope that didn't sound as stupid as I think it did.

My attempt at humour clearly fell flat.

Instead I was met with a cold silence from the group. The guy with the grey eyes arched an eyebrow, his gaze turning frosty. It seemed my awkwardness was not amusing to him, and the others shared his disdain.

Feeling the weight of their disapproval, I shifted uncomfortably, searching for something else to say. "Well, uh, what can I get you all to drink?" I asked, my voice betraying my unease.

The group exchanged glances, and one of them, the cold one with the grey eyes, responded curtly, "Just water." His tone held a biting edge, as if my mere presence was an inconvenience to him.

The atmosphere turned icy, and I hurriedly jotted down their order, avoiding eye contact as much as possible. But I felt their eyes on me, and truth be told it made me want to climb into a hole and disappear.

I scurry back off, speed walking as quickly as could away from them.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment, how come whenever I try to make friends or much less say anything it always results in well... this.


When Camille asked me how it went, I simply lied.

It's better for everyone.

But now I need to go back, to them.

To him.

I'm gonna throw up.

Summoning my courage, I returned to the table, balancing the tray of food and drinks with shaky hands.

The tension hung heavy in the air as I set their orders down, trying my best to hide my obvious nervousness.

"Here you go, gentlemen," I said with a forced smile. "Enjoy your meals" I say, silently pleasing they would stop with the prying eyes.

I felt them all over.

"I must say, you guys have impeccable taste in choosing this café. And since you have such good taste, I promise not to spill anything on you. Well, at least not intentionally."

A couple of the guys exchanged incredulous glances, their expressions seemingly unamused by my attempt at lightening the mood.

The guy with the grey eyes, his cold expression still intact, picked up his fork and knife without a word.

Now I know what a deflating balloon feels like.

Attempting to shake off the awkwardness, I cleared my throat and pressed on. "Well, if you need anything else, just give me a shout. I'm here to serve and entertain, apparently." I let out a nervous chuckle, hoping to break the ice.

Just as I was about to leave, disappointment and confusion mingling within me, I couldn't help but steal a glance at the guy with the grey eyes.

His gaze, once filled with mystery and allure, now held a coldness that sent shivers down my spine. There was something more to his icy demeanor, something that hinted at a deeper resentment beyond our mere exchange in the café.

He definitely hated me.

Finally turning around to leave, my stupid flip flop betrayed me, slipping off my foot just a few steps away from their table.

Panic washed over me as I stumbled, trying to regain my balance without making a scene. The café seemed to hold its breath, or maybe it was just me.

The guys' eyes darted toward my flip flop, their expressions a mix of surprise and mild confusion. Maybe just maybe, a hint of amusement sparkled in their cold eyes.

Their gazes lingered on the mismatched pair, for some reason I felt awkwardly exposed to them.

My feet is something I absolutely don't like to show.

it's just odd

I felt a heat rise to my cheeks, wishing for the floor to swallow me whole.

Attempting to salvage what was left of my dignity, I quickly bent down and slipped my flip flop back onto my foot, trying to make light of the mishap.

"Just channeling my inner Cinderella, you know," I joke, flashing them an embarrassed smile.

Oh dear lord.

The guy with the grey eyes maintained his impassive composure, his lips forming a faint smirk that sent a shiver down my spine.

The others, clearly intrigued.

Without another word, I make my grand exit.

Correction, my embarrassing exit.

I know I know. This even made me cringe a bit.

I apologise.

Adeline is a little bit awkward, clearly.

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