Slowly but steadily, she carves a hole, asymmetrical but almost big enough to fit a hand through. I push one of my hands into the head, and it hurts. I quickly pull my hand out and take a peek inside, but find nothing that would be sharp enough to cut my hand. I put my hand back in, and now it hurts so much that I almost start to scream. Once again I pull my hand out, but find nothing sharp when inspecting the interior of the skull. I make a third attempt, but this time I am way more careful. It still hurts, but now I am just trying to ignore it. I feel something that could be the hard drive, but I ignore it. We are in a hurry, so we are just taking what we came here for. I find a loose chunk to the left, and form a hard grip around it. I then pull it out as fast as I can, so that I will not have to feel the mysterious pain. Once I begin to pull my wrist out, I realize that it is the corner of the skull that has cut my arm all the time. I get the piece out, which is labelled "LX 2.1.102450 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM 3.0". This must be the right thing. I hand it over to Eve, but she does not seem to know what to do with it either, she just stares at it. I was hoping that it would come to her naturally once she had the system. I look at the hole in her head, then at my knife and then at the metallic boards. Maybe I can install it?

I bring Eve to one of the boards, and I tell her to lay down. She does not understand my demand, so I have to force her down in order to fasten her.

I do my best to carefully expand the hole with the knife, and it works out pretty well. Eve then suddenly hits me, probably believing that I am attacking her, or torturing her. She then kicks me in the stomach with the leg I did not bind, and grabs my knife. Eve seems to think that I am betraying her, and I cannot explain myself in any way. The only thing I can really do is to turn off Eve, whom is armed with a knife, and has the ability to fight. I tackle Eve as soon as she has risen from the board. We fall to the floor, before she holds the knife up. I decide to let Eve cut me, which is the least I can let her do in return for what I am about to do.

She cuts me, and it hurts a lot. It hurts even more than it did when Damian cut me, and it hurts in a different way. It hurts in the way similiar to when I shoved my hand into Sam's head, only worse. I fall backwards, and then Eve kicks me, as her eyes are on the exit. I must shut her down before she runs away, because if catching two robots is hard for Damian, then how difficult would a single robot prove to be, unless Damian shoots her before I catch up with her. She puts me in a stranglehold, and now she has to take a step closer in order to lift me up. During this step forward, I quickly push her neck with both my hands. Eve looks at me, through eyes that probably hide both fear and despise, before letting go of me. I have done it, all I have to do now is to give her the communication system.

I find the knife on the floor, and consider it still being in the condition to use. I make the hole in Eve's head a little bigger. I cannot make it too big, because then it will expose Eve's hardware to the outside world. I fit two fingers into the hole, and use them to tear out the dysfunctional communication system. This piece of hardware is approximately the same size as the one we took from Sam. The bullet went straight through the communication system, so no wonder it does not work anymore. I have no idea how I am to install the communication system, so I just take my chances and put it in the place of the old one. Otherwise, all I can do is hope it works.

I hold my knife at the ready in case she still cannot understand me. She is active, it looks good so far. She is not broken, though she seem a bit confused. Eve looks at me, and directly prepares to attack me. I try to sound as calm as I can, which requires quite some effort.

- I am really sorry, but I had no idea how to plant the communication system, I explain to Eve, whom ceases her attack in an instant.

- It is okay. Thank you. I am okay, Eve answers, and falls to the board, relaxed. That is when I react to her voice.

Attacking AggressivelyWhere stories live. Discover now