Chapter Four: Baku

Start from the beginning

Feeling slightly awkward you strode across the room to stand by Toto's side in support, your height somewhat less imposing than the tall Austrian's, "Look, we will do what you ask of us but don't insinuate that we are driving this narrative. We're happy to participate in filming when required but we're not interested in getting into a pissing match with the other teams and their team principals.."

Toto raised his eyebrows at your colourful phrase, looking impressed. You continued, folding your arms, "Can we take five and regroup?"

Pete looked sheepish, likely not used to being met with much resistance, "Of course, whatever you need Y/N," he said, stepping away and towards his camera crew.

You turned to Toto, "Sorry about that, if that was unprofessional of me, but I didn't like what he was suggesting. What would you be comfortable doing instead of the weights?"

Toto smiled, gently patting your arm, "On the contrary, I quite enjoyed it, Pete has met his match. They can be difficult and act like they're doing us a favour when it is the other way around." he paused for a moment, before suggesting "Shall I do the cables? It's easy and you can be by my side?"

"Sure, sounds like a plan, shall I go and set them up?" you said, glad that Toto was in agreement with you.

"Let's do it together, I can't be bothered to talk to them," Toto said, his brow furrowed in annoyance as he glanced over at Pete.

"I can see why. They're not the friendliest bunch," you said quietly as you both made your way across to the two cable machines.

"Indeed." Toto nodded in agreement as he reached one of the machines, "I will take this one, you take that one." he said, gesturing at the one next to him. "What do you normally do on these?"

"I use them for all sorts, maybe today chest press?" you said, thinking about the fact that your shorts were rather too short to do anything where your back would be facing the camera.

"Interesting," said Toto, "I use them sometimes too, they're quite good when you are alone."

"You've been coming to the gym without me?" you feigned indignation.

"Maybe once or twice in Brackley." Toto winked at you as he locked the cables in the correct positions.

"Scandalous," you said, shaking your head, echoing him by locking the cables in position and choosing a lighter weight.

Not one to miss a trick, Toto had to get a word in, "A bit lightweight no?"

"Oh my gosh, Pete is right, you are a macho man," you said laughing.

"Touché," he said, "I'm going to go light myself, the worst that will happen is Christian will bring it up in a press conference. No one else cares."

"Glad to hear you're so level-headed about it, you can't let him rile you up," you said smiling, getting in position to try your first chest press.

"I try my best," he said, getting into position to do his bicep curl, testing the weight and completing the move with ease. "I know you're going to laugh at me but I'm going to add one more plate, this is too light."

"Sure, sure," you said, enjoying winding him up a little.

You both found your groove with the exercises and filming recommenced, with Pete staying out of the way and the cameraman focusing on getting some b-roll footage with your gym playlist pumping in the background.

"There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house"

You went cold. Not WAP, any song but WAP.

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