Chapter Eleven: Abu Dhabi

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You'd discovered you were pregnant three days ago and were now back in the UK, packing for Abu Dhabi and in utter turmoil. You hadn't told Toto as he'd jetted off ahead of you on the Monday so you hadn't shared the news with a single soul. You'd told Rosie it was a bout of food poisoning mixed with exhaustion and she'd not questioned things further.

Logically you knew you had landed yourself in this situation thanks to your own stupidity but you couldn't help but feel unlucky. You'd had one slip-up where you'd not been careful and it had been a bullseye. Having gone to your local doctor in Oxfordshire, he had confirmed that you were three months along, meaning that you must have conceived in France. Ever since this revelation you had cursed French wine and Toto's charm. You were never the type to not be careful and it just went to show that it only takes one time to change your life forever.

As you were a little way along you were already due to have a twelve-week scan but in your heart of hearts, you knew you couldn't do it without telling Toto. You'd told the concerned doctor that you'd book it in once you were back from Abu Dhabi and discuss options moving forward. Time wasn't on your side but you'd begun weighing up what to do and knew you had a short window in which you could decide whether or not to move forward with the pregnancy.

Packing was a challenge as although you were nowhere near debuting a baby bump, you'd put on a few pounds around your breasts and hips and nothing fit

as it should. Prior to last week, you'd pegged it down to overindulging while travelling but now you weren't so confident. Shaking your head as you put yet another too-small skirt back into your wardrobe you reached for a loose kaftan-style dress, hoping you wouldn't stand out too much. You had a sponsor lunch with Toto the following day and you always made an effort to dress to impress.

Sighing, you finished packing for what would be the final time this season and made your way downstairs to wait for the car that would take you to the airport. You were flying commercial with Sophie and knew everything always took longer than when you flew via private jet.


Having landed late on Wednesday evening you'd gone straight to your hotel room and straight to bed. Unusually, Toto was staying in a different hotel as the company travel department had had trouble squeezing the whole team into one hotel, leaving the team split in half. Fortunately, they had split the team by department so your direct reports were all nearby.

This meant, however, that you had to take a ten-minute taxi ride to meet Toto in his hotel lobby ahead of your sponsor lunch. He'd offered to pick you up but it would have meant him doubling back on himself as the restaurant you were going to was nearer to his hotel. As your car drew up to the front of his hotel you were apprehensive. You didn't want to hide anything from Toto but equally, it was not fair to drop this news on him ahead of a business lunch or what was sure to be a tense and stressful weekend. You just had to sit it out for three days and not alert suspicions. Easy peasy.

Crossing the lobby you spotted your beau waiting for you, leaning jauntily against a marble column. As he met your eyes he broke out into a wide grin, obviously as happy to see you as you were him.

"Hey stranger," he said, giving you an awkward pat on the shoulder before leaning down and whispering, "I want to kiss you but it's frowned upon here."

You giggled, Toto was always proper, "That's fine, bold of you to assume I wanted to kiss you."

"You're so mean to me." he said, before looking you up and down, surveying your outfit and adding with a smirk "Nice outfit by the way, are you trying to blend in with the locals?"

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