"No." Ginny looked sad and broken even, Sirius couldn't able to watch that and regretted what he said.

"Ginny, C'mon, we can tell Harry. He would jump into your arms and say 'Oh gin, I've been waiting for this time since I was born ' " he made those dreamy eyes, smiling brightly at Ginny.

"Sirius, I told you this isn't a joke. Harry doesn't love me like I do. He never wished me on Valentine's Day, he wouldn't even bother bringing me a flower or a chocolate or anything. For him, we are just friends. He celebrates friendship day like it's my birthday. I don't want to keep my hopes up. So, this is what I'm gonna do, I'll stop writing these stupid love greetings. We are starting freshman year, I'll start fresh and move on from him." Ginny tells like she has everything planned but looking into her eyes explains she's clueless.

"Ginny--" he was interrupted.

"No, Sirius, there's nothing else. Do me a favour and keep this a secret.
Harry and I... We don't belong together anyway"

"ew, I'm stepping on water. How is this place filled with water?" Sirius held his pants up as he walked on tiptoe, scowling at Ginny.

"Seriously, Sirius? There's no water here, what are you talking about?" Ginny said, rolling her eyes. She placed her phone aside, she didn't give a reply to Harry, unsure of what to say.

"Did you just say my name twice?" Sirius smirked and Ginny felt a rather odd
Deja Vu. "As I said, this place is flooded from all the streams of your tears. When did you get this moody? It's quite annoying" Sirius grunted as he sat next to Ginny.

"You know when" Ginny muttered looking away. "Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"Came for your birthday, of course. I expected a party with alcohol and food. Why isn't there a party?"

"I don't want a party, get lost"

Sirius laughed "What you want then? Harry?"

Ginny looked at him sharply "You're annoying"

Sirius laughed again "Yeah, I get that a lot. Even Harry just called me annoying a minute ago"

Ginny's eyes widened "You...you talked to him?" she asked hesitantly.

Sirius's smile dimmed but he quickly covered it with a weak snicker "Did you?" he asked instead.

"It was no use" Ginny shrugged, willing to avoid the topic.

"Who knows? Maybe it was worth it."

Ginny quirked her eyebrows in confusion "What do you mean?"

"...he was here"

Ginny's head snapped at him so quickly that she could have cracked it "What!?"

"What? He was here, my godson. When I arrived at his house, he wasn't there. Then I came to your house and you weren't there either. So, I called Harry and he said he's here doing god knows what. We chatted for nearly ten minutes, you know, godfather and godson things" Ginny snorted, if she haven't stopped by Claire's house, she would have reached earlier than Sirius, and maybe then Harry and her had a chance to talk. The fact that Harry was here for her birthday made Ginny's heart flutter.
"Then you arrived, looking like an old lady, lost in your world. Harry dragged me away, you see that tree there?" he pointed to a huge tree "We hid behind it. Apparently, Harry couldn't look you in the eyes and shit. I asked him what was so special about this place"

"We celebrated my birthday here last year," Ginny said at the same time as Sirius said "He said you both celebrated your last birthday here"

Ginny nodded. "What was he doing here?"

I didn't knew- Hinny Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin