Chapter 30

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"Hannie!!" A voice of an elder women echoed around the house as she engulf her adopted son into a warm hug.

The hug was tight, very tight. But it was also warm and comforting, a mother's hug.

Jisung hugged the older back as he melts on the hug, he misses his Mom, very much. Mrs. Bang finally let go of the hug, looking at the boy with a wide smile. "How are you honey? Is Sungie doing fine?" She asked softly.

The litter nod his head in response, "mhm... that's good. Well, if its okay...can I talk to Jisung later? Grown up talk." She asked again. This time Sungie was hesitant, the little was worried for Jisung, but he was sure that this was something important.

"Y-yes Mom.." he responded. Mrs. Bang gave her a pat on the head before moving her attention at the 7 boys at the back, waiting patiently for them.

The elder couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, they were strucked at the designs and the furnitures of the house. Well except Chan who had the same exact smile as his mother, looking at the boys with fondness.

"Welcome and nice to meet you again, boys!" Mrs. Bang Greeted, walking towards the boys and hugging them one by one. Mrs. Bang suddenly stopped as she was now facing face to face with Minho, her Son's boyfriend.

The younger began to get nervous when his boyfriend's Mom suddenly stopped, looking up and staring at him. "Nice to meet you again Minho-ya!" Her blank face turned into a bright smiling face, showing off her dimples as her eyes dissapears and hugged the boy tightly.

Minho was nervous over nothing after all.

"Nice to see you again aunty.." he greeted back with a slightly nervous but genuine smile.

"Oh honey, call me Mom okay? You too boys. Call me Mom from now on yeah?" She stated, looking at the other's who were also looking at the two.

The 5 boys shared a look, smiling ear to ear as they agreed to the elders statement.

"Okay Mom!!" They said in synch, earning a laugh from the elder. "Oh my anyways! I'm sure all of you are tired and hungry after the trip right? Leave your bags in there," she said, pointing at the side of the sofa. "The maids will take care of them. Let's go and fill your stomach with delicious foods of jeju!!" All of then cheered at the mention of food, following the elder women from behind as they head to the kitchen.

Once they arrived at the dining table, their mouth dropped in awe seeing the various foods on the table.

There were alot of seafoods, vegetables, and western food. It was like they were on a fiest.

"Come and sit down, let's eat before the food gets cold. The maids prepared them for you!" Mrs. Bang stated with a smile, the boys immediately sat down; hesitant in taking a piece of the dishes, afraid on ruining the beautiful plating of it.

But except for one person who was already digging into the food.

All their heads turned to Jisung who's mouth was full and cheeks puffed with food. He swallowed his food after noticing the stares from the others, "what?" He asked, confused.

Silence filled the room and was slowly turned into laughter. "Let's dig in everyone!!" They once again cheered and began to fill up their plates as well as their stomachs.

Mentally thanking the maids who made the delicious foods that they were eating.

Mrs. Bang couldn't help but put a smile on her face, looking at the boys fondly as they ate, talk and have fun while being with eachother.

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