Chapter 14: meetings the kid and part one of the pizzaplex

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-Izuku would be laid back in his chair thinking about one for all and William along with the designs William had in that house...-

Izuku: I swear I saw that place before...-he would think back to what seemed to be a pizzeria but giant and with a light show-

-he would get on his computer and look it up, knowing William wouldn't be paying much attention with how tired he's been feeling due to the drain that's happening-

-he'd soon come across it a run down pizzeria...or now called a pizzaplex-

Izuku: weird...I need to check that out...I'm not sure why but I feel like there is something...connected to me in there...-Izuku would get up and teleport infront of the pizzaplex, since he saw the address he was able to teleport right where he needed to go-

-he would walk towards it clearing the rubble and broken metal bars out of the way-

??: umm afton is that you?

Izuku: Vanessa?! What are you doing here?!

Vanessa: well...I've been feeling worried for you lately and vanny said that you might be here I am -she would smile softly-

Izuku's mind: so vanny felt it too hm?, there's no way she would know I was here any other way

Izuku: well thank you dearie! But I'm only gather supplies for my new pizzeria and a run down pizzaplex? Well what would be better than gaining some free material

Vanessa: I-I could help you! -she'd would then tuck her hair behind her ear- onl-only if you want me too...

Izuku: I would very much appreciate the company! Especially from a beautiful girl like you~ -he would respond in a flirting tone, not knowing why but he feels attracted to Vanessa like they've met way if they were meant to be together-

-she would blush and walk over trying to help move stuff as Izuku would make his way to the door and without thinking about it kicking it down and walking in-

Izuku: hello?! Anyone home!

-he wouldn't hear anything until-

-mechanical stomping through the hallway-

Vanessa: wha-what was that?!

Izuku: shhh...and stay behind me

-Izuku would make his shadow dagger appear in his hand following the noise to what seemed to be a security office in the back-

-the mechanical footsteps would stop and two voices would begin speaking-

???: superstar! Someone has entered the pizzaplex! And no it is not the rabbit man!

???:huh?! Oh no! No no no! We can't get taken in yet! I have to get rid of him! I have to make sure he stays gone!

???: superstar...calm down we will we just need to take care of the intruders first so they don't harm you...

???: thank you Freddy -a small clang could be heard and the robotic bear would run out and swing at Izuku trying to swiftly take his head off-

???: thank you Freddy -a small clang could be heard and the robotic bear would run out and swing at Izuku trying to swiftly take his head off-

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-Izuku would step back avoiding the punch but would get hit with a microphone staff in the face-

-Izuku would step back avoiding the punch but would get hit with a microphone staff in the face-

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-he would wipe the mark off of him and rush at the robot with his dagger-

Izuku: listen we don't wanna hurt u but since you attacked me first then it's on! -he would send a swift kick at the robot, knocking him back a bit but not far enough-

Freddy: I do not believe you! You have come to harm me and Gregory!

-he would start sending a flurry of punches towards Izuku, but his right arm would pop off and crawl back on Freddy-

Izuku: ur mechanics are falling...I can help you repair them just stop! I don't want to hurt you and I don't plan on hurting this Gregory either!

???: ok Freddy stop...

Freddy: are u sure superstar?

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Freddy: are u sure superstar?

Gregory: yes I'm said you could fix Freddy?

Izuku: yes I can but I need an explanation first...why are u here kid and who is this bunny man...

Gregory: I'm here because...I was locked in here after hours but I've stayed to help Freddy get rid of the bunny man...he Lives in the underground compartment of this place but he has been getting more aggressive lately trying to escape but me and Freddy usually just knock him back down and seal it up with metal and some rubble

Izuku: so another spring trap?

Gregory: spring who? Me and Freddy call him burn trap and we have been trying to defeat him but the only way is with fire...and we're running low on the heater in the lower area so we were forced to come back up here and try to fend him off...

Izuku: well I'm Izuku and this is my friend Vanessa...we came here for supplies heroes it seems we have a new problem to attend to...

Gregory: you don't mean...

Izuku: yeah kid we're gonna help u kill burn trap and make sure he stays gone so u and Freddy can leave this place and won't have to worry about him again

(Short chapter again I know! But this is the beginning of the pizzaplex arc and I have so many plans for this! I hope u guys will enjoy and I'll see you all later! Bye!)

izuku afton: lover of toastWhere stories live. Discover now