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Caseys eyes filled with tears. How could she be out? She didn't even know her own sexuality.

"Oh my god, Izzie. I can't believe this."
"I'm so sorry, Casey. Who did this?"
"I just wanna let you know that no one suspects a thing about you. I promise, okay, I'll keep you safe"
"Casey, baby. This is not about me, you've just been outed to the whole school. Im here for you now."
"I know who did this."
"How does Jonah know?"
"Well um... I told him I was leaving, to get you home safe, and because of how much I care about you he started to piece it together so I told him that I had unreciprocated feelings for you."
"Why would you do that?"
"Because I know you're not ready. I didn't want him sharing this shit about you."
Now Izzie was crying.

"You didn't have to do that, Newton...I'm gonna kill that cunt."
Izzie picked up her phone and started typing pretty aggressively. This made Casey a little scared of her girlfriend, so she watched in silence.

"Listen here, you lying shit bag. Why the fuck are you going around spreading stuff about Casey's sexuality? That's not your business, if she did tell you anything she would've told you in confidence and you fucking betrayed it. What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

"I promise I haven't said anything about you. And I never will okay, whenever you're ready." Casey wiped her tears and Izzie lay her head on her chest.
"I never doubted that, Newton."

"Um... I didn't say shit about casey. Im gay gal. No hard feelings though, hope we can be friends, really sucks about casey, give her my love.🤍"

"Newton, it wasn't Jonah."
"I know." Casey said, staring at her phone in shock.

A video of Casey a Jonah talking about her crush on Izzie, the only thing you can see of the person filming is their hand...and watch.

"You know who that watch belongs to, right?"
"The one and only, Nathaniel Johnson."
"Fucking, nate." Casey mumbled.
"It'll be okay, Newton. We can fix this."
"I hope so."

Izzie lay back down on Casey's chest.
"I love you." Casey only felt good with Izzie, she could forget about everything else and just focus on her.
"I love you, too. Always and forever." Izzie smiled, quoting what Casey had said to her earlier.
"Just me and you." Casey did the same before placing a kiss on izzies head.

She quickly felt izzies breathing change, but Casey couldn't fall asleep. She just stroked Izzies hair. Who was she? Lesbian? Queer? Bi? Pan? Now everyone knew, she'd have to figure it out soon.

She decided to think about something else, anything else. She looked down at the perfect girl on top of her.
"Oh, Izzie, you're awake."
"Yeah, I can't sleep." Izzie looked up at casey
"Me neither. Here, baby, let's get you into something more comfortable." Izzie moved off of casey allowing her to get up and go to the closet. She pulled out one of her big T-shirts and pjama pants.

The T-shirt was down to izzies knees and the pants wouldn't stay up since the drawstring snapped. So she just remained in the T-shirt.
"I don't feel good, newton."
"Well yeah, pretty girl, you drank a lot. We can get you sorted then we can go to sleep."

Casey picked up Izzie and placed her on the desk chair, she picked up a hairbrush and brushed through izzies hair.
"You're so beautiful." She smiled and Izzie giggled a little and bit her lip.
Once Casey had finished she picked up Izzie and tucked her in bed.

Of course as soon as she climbed in the bed, Izzie lay her head on her chest.
"Goodnight, my beautiful girl."
"Goodnight, my Newton."
Casey woke up with Izzie in her arms, the nicest way to wake up by far. She's forgotten about the incident with school for a moment as she stared at her girlfriend, that is until she checked her phone.

She had like 1000 messages from random kids she'd never met. Obviously she went straight over to text her group chat.

Casey: yo whores, it was nate that outed me to everyone.
Ava: naw, what a prick stick! I am so sorry my poo poo bear. Luv you girl x ❤️
Jonah: looks like nates gonna hv to be dealt with, just get izzie to do it, shes literally terrifying.
Casey: shes fine! Just looking out for me.
Ava: well of course you think she's fine. 😭

"Newton?" Izzie groaned.
"Hey, you." She looked down at the girl laying on top of her, her beauty was incomparable to anything else. She's glad she protected her, no one knows about Izzie. That's what matters to Casey.

Izzie tried to sit up and immediately went back down.
"Ughhh my head." She clutched her head and lay back down on Casey, who laughed a little.
"It's only 9am, sweetheart. Go back to sleep."
Izzie nuzzled her face into Casey's chest "Are you staying?" Izzie smiled, her sleepy voice was adorable to Casey. She couldn't help but crack a smile.
"If you want me to, I will." Casey was speaking softly and quietly, stroking izzies raven hair and counting her freckles with her eyes.

"I don't think I'll be able to go back to sleep
anyway, but let's just stay like this" Casey felt her little smile.
"Of course, Iz"

The whole school knowing her before she even knew herself was really bothering Casey, naturally. She chimed into izzies breathing and followed that same pattern.
"Newton, I'm sorry."
Casey suddenly felt izzies tears on her shirt.
"Hey. Look at me."
Izzie moved up and lay her chin on Casey's chest so their eyes met.
"None of this is even remotely your fault. I love you, and I'm always going to protect you. Understand?"
"I just-"
"No. it's us against the world, baby. Don't worry about them. All they know is we're best friends and I like you."
"What do you mean?" Casey was stroking izzies hair which comforted the both of them.

"People know about you but I get to stay hidden, you don't deserve to be outed I'm the one who should be and it's not fair because you're an amazing person and I'm not and if anyone should be outed it me but it's not it's-"


Izzie stopped talking.
"just breathe for a second. You're absolutely perfect, don't worry too much. Alright? I've got you." Casey pulled izzie into her chest for a warm hug.

Izzie fell asleep in the hug, Casey lay her down and kissed her cheek.
"Goodnight my pretty girl, I'll always protect you."

And that is true. Casey would go on to protect Izzie for the rest of there lives. But, we can discuss that later. As of now. Nate seriously needs to be dealt with.

Hey! So I only have one reader atm... hey gal. I appreciate you mah little gay tortellini 😘😘

Anywho, hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was a bit shorter and only focused on a couple of hours worth of conversation but let's see what these fuity patooties get up to with nate and sams baby.

Xoxo Junie

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