She smiled turning around as she looked at it beauty. 

 Minutes later, she pulled off the gown and went out of the room. 

 She was given a basket in which she kept the gown on. 

 She requested to be taken to where they kept their shoes. 

 She chose a designer's shoe. She also went to the bag section and chose a nice bag to match all she had bought. 

 "Do you have a section for hand watch?" She asked and the attendant who was following her nodded. 

 "Yes Miss." The attendant replied. 

 The attendant took her to the section were their hand watch was always kept. 

 "Here Miss." The attendant said. 

 Carl walked around looking for fanciful watch she can wear on her date. 

"This." She said picking up a watch that caught her eyes. 

 She was also taken to a section where she got herself some new lipsticks and flowers. 

 "Alright, this is better." She said dropping them in the basket. 

 Apart from the gown she was going to wear for her date, she also bought some fanciful gown which she was going to add to her clothes at home. 

 She smiled as she was led to the counter. 

 Getting to the counter, she was told the total amount she is to pay and she paid. 

 "It's nice having you in our store today, Miss." The receptionist said as she was leaving the fashion store and she nodded. 

She walked out of the store to her car. 

 Getting to her car, she walked to the boot and dropped the bags which contained the things she had bought inside. 

 She walked into her car and picked up her phone. 

 She opened her phone and saw three miss calls from an unknown number. 

 She sat in the car and drove. 

 She reached a stall and got down from the car. 

 "Good morning, Miss, What would you like to have?" A man asked as she entered. 

 "I would love to get some packed pizza." She said and he nodded walking inside. 

 Carl stood still as her eyes met Dylan who was sitted with his friends. 

 He had a drink in front of himself. 

 "He is casually dressed." Carl said to herself. 

 Minutes later, a pack was brought to her and she collected it. 

 She paid for the pack of pizza then walked away from the stall. 

 She opened the door of the car and got in. 

 She took a bite of the pizza, locked the car door then drove away. 

 She continued taking a bite of the pizza till it finished. 

 Minutes later, she got home. She walked into her room and laid on her bed. 

 Minutes later, she got up, walked to the living room and Nathalie walked up to her. 

 "What will you like to have, Miss?" She asked. 

 "Just a cup of tea." Carl answered. 

Nathalie walked into the kitchen and brought out a cup of tea which she later placed in front of Carl. 

 Carl took up the cup and began to sip the tea. 

 "Miss!" Natalie called and Carl looked at her. 

 "Yes Nathalie." She answered looking at her. 

 "Mother said you should get a champagne for yourself inside the store room." Natalie said and Carl smiled. 

 She had always wanted to have a champagne since two years ago but her mother didn't allow her have one as she always remembered the last time Carl had some champagne and as a good child she is, she had to agree with her mother. 

 Carl excitedly got up from the couch and ran into the store room. 

 She got a glimpse of the bottle and brought it down. 

 She brought a cup and was about to pour it but remembered how drunk she was till evening the following day when she drank it. 

  "I won't like to take it now so as not to be weird on my date with Dylan tomorrow." She said to herself putting the bottle back. 

 She walked to the living room and all the maid including Nathalie said their goodbyes and left the house. 

 She sat on the couch with her leg crossed minutes later. 

 She picked up her phone and began to scroll through the internet where a site caught her attention. 

 She saw some men dressed in suit and imagined Dylan coming with a suit for the date. 

 "I don't think we should have an official date." She said to herself shaking her head. 

 She smiled as she remembered when she first saw Dylan. 

 Why is it that his thought makes her feel special? 

  She walked to the kitchen and touched the pot. 

 It was hot and she immediately ran into her room. 

"Why is it that whenever I touch a hot thing, I usually remember when I was younger?" She asked herself. 

 "I can't let my younger fear get the more of me. I have to be myself. This is my older self not my younger self." She said holding her hand. 

 She walked to a couch and had her sit. 

 "I must wake up quite early tomorrow to prepare for the evening date." She said and rubbed her palm together. 

 She smiled and got up from the couch.

 "I have to get over my fear." She said and headed for the kitchen.

 "Carl!" She heard her mother call her and turned back.

 "Mum, you are back." She said excitedly and looked at the clock.

 It was already late and her father was not back.

 "Where is Dad?" She asked.

 "He isn't coming home." Mrs. Robin said.

 "Gone for another business trip?" Carl asked and her mother smiled.

 "No. He is going to sleep over a friend's house." Mrs. Robin said and she nodded.

 "Alright Mom." Carl said.

 "Bought everything you need for your date?" Mrs. Robin asked and Carl nodded.

 "I pray he makes you happy." Mrs. Robin said.

 "Thank you." Carl said and hugged her mother.

 "I hope he meets your expectation?" Mrs. Robin asked and she smiled with a nod.

 "Yes Mom." She said.

 Her mother walked into the kitchen and walked out with a plate for Carl and another for herself.

 They both ate and chatted then they went to their beds.

 Carl sent a message to Dylan then slept.

So in loveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz