Chapter 6

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 The following morning, Carl wakes up and walks to the living room where she sees her father and mother dressed.

 She looked at them and smiled as she remembered her father would be going to the beach along with her mother. 

 "Good morning, father. Good morning, mother." She greeted.

 They both turned back looking at their lovely daughter.

 "How are you doing, Carl?" Her father asked.

 "I am doing fine." Carl said smiling.

 "I would like to thank you for making my day yesterday." Her father said and she smiled.

 "All pleasure is mine." She said placing her hand on her chest as she took a bow.

 "Carl, aren't you going out today?" Her mother asked and she smiled.

 "I am Mum. I would be going to my fashion house today." Carl replied and Mrs. Robin nodded.

 Her mother and father both got up to leave.

 "Leaving for the beach?" Carl asked and they nodded.

 "Have you both had something to eat?" She asked and they both shook their head.

 "No we haven't." Mrs. Robin said.

 "Alright, I would quickly get you something to eat." Carl said but was stopped by her mother.

 "Remember, we do not eat anything before going to the beach. Do not worry, we are going to get ourselves some dishes when we get to the beach." Mrs. Robin said and Carl nodded her head.

 "Alright Mom. Alright Father." Carl said as they left the house.

 She sat on the couch minutes later as she thought of Dylan.

 A smile crossed her face but she kept a straight face when she remembered that she was only to meet him.

 "It may only be once that I see him and nothing much." She said to herself.

 Minutes later, she walked back into her room and had her bath.

 She walked back to the living room with a comfortable gown and walked into the kitchen where she met the cook.

 "Good morning, Miss." The cook greeted and she replied her back.

 "Miss, you should go to the living room, I would bring you your meal." She said and Carl nodded.

 Carl walked out of the kitchen to the living room.

 The house cleaner walked up to her and requested if she was to take off the decorations.

 "No, do leave the decorations till when I want them removed. Moreover, it beautifies the house." She said with a smile on her lip.

 The maid nodded taking a bow.

 Minutes later, Nathalie walked into the living room with a plate which was dropped on the table beside Carl.

" Thank you, Nathalie. " Carl said.

" What will you like to have with your meal? " Nathalie asked.

 "Water, just water." Carl said.

 Nathalie walked into the kitchen and came out minutes later with a cup of water.

 "Here, Miss." She said dropping a bottle of water and a cup of water on the table beside Carl.

 "Thank you. You can go to your duty post." Carl said and Nathalie nodded then walked away.

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