Done eating her meal, Carl drank some water then got up to leave the house.

 A maid walked in to carry the plates.

 Carl left the house and entered the new car she had ordered for.

 On her way to the fashion house, she saw Dylan who was walking.

 "Dylan!" She called out and he answered walking to her.

 "Yes Miss." He said and she opened a door for him to get in.

 "Alright. Thank you, Miss." He said and she took a bow.

 "All my pleasure." She said.

 "Where are you heading to?" Carl asked looking at him.

 "To work." Dylan replied.

 Carl took a deep breath as she out on her accelerator.

 "Where is it?" She asked.

 "Pardon!" Dylan asked as he didn't understand what she was asking.

 Carl smiled noticing that he didn't understand her.

 "Your workplace." She replied him.

 He gave her the name of his current workplace and direction and she offered to give him a ride to his place of work.

 "No Miss, you don't need to." He said but she insisted on dropping him.

 She drove to the company of whose workers came to decorate her house.

 She noticed one of the men who came along with Dylan to decorate her house.

 Dylan got off her car and bade her goodbye as he entered the company.

 She stayed in her car watching as Dylan walked into the company and when she could no longer see him, she took in a deep breath then reversed the car and drove away.

 "What is up with me?, Am I being desperate?, Why is it that whenever I see him, my heart do beat?" She asked herself and decided to let the thought go.

 Minutes later, she reached the fashion house and drove to pack her car after which she stepped down from the car and locked it.

 She entered the fashion house and her body guard walked at her back.

 She walked straight into her office and had her seat while she thought on what to do.

 She dipped her hand into her purse and brought out the card which Dylan had given to her. She was meeting with him two days from now which was going to be weekend. 

"What if he confesses his feelings to me." She asked herself looking at the card. "No, it can't be. We just met each other. We have barely known each other." 

 She looked down and smiled remembering what he had said to her when he came to her house. 

 "Hello Miss." Naomi said knocking Carl's door. 

 "Come in." Carl said as she hid the card back in her purse. 

 Naomi walked in with a worker named Sarah. 

 Sarah is a chubby lady who is hard working. She has been offered to be promoted many times but she has been rejecting it. 

Carl looked at Sarah and could only think that she wants the promotion. 

 "Hello Sarah. Do have your sit." She said pointing to a chair in front of her while Naomi had her sit in the next chair. 

 "Good morning, Sarah. Good morning Naomi." Carl greeted and they both nodded. 

 Naomi cleared her throat. 

 "She has some things to ask of you. I will be leaving you both to discuss." Naomi said getting up from the chair. 

 Minutes after, Carl faced Sarah smiling. 

 "Let me know whatever you need." She said thinking Sarah needed a promotion. 

 Sarah cleared her throat before speaking up. 

 "I will like to take a leave of two weeks, ma." Sarah said. 

 Carl looked at her as she wasn't expecting that. 

 "Alright. Why would you want to take a leave?" Carl asked. 

 "There's a family crisis which I have to take care of as I am the first child." Sarah said and Carl smiled. 

 "Why do you think you can fix it within two weeks. What if it persists long?" Carl asked but Sarah could not respond. 

 "Alright, I will like you to go solve the issue at home then come back when you are done. You will still retain your position." She said and Sarah nodded with a bow. 

 "Thank you very much, Miss." She said with a bow. 

 Carl took a deep breath as Sarah left. 

 She already had her plans for the next day. She isn't coming to the fashion house but she is going to get some fanciful clothes she can wear to the date with Dylan. 

 She only hopes everything goes fine. 

 Hours later, she walked out of her office and walked to her car with her security guard following her. 

 She entered her car and began to drive. 

 At a cross road, her eyes met with Dylan. 

 She got off her car and offered him a ride which he obliged. 

 Entering the car, their hand met and a slight smile crossed her face. 

 "Are you gonna come for the date?" Dylan asked feeling she won't come anymore. 

 "I am surely going to come." She said making Dylan happy. 

 "Alright." He said and focused on the road. 

 "Where do you live?" She asked and he gave her his address. 

 He was living a few distance away from where he fixed the date and it was 15 minutes drive away from her house. 

 "Alright, goodbye." Dylan said getting down from the car. 

 He didn't allow her drop him in front of his house but his friend's house. 

He walked through the gate and waited for her car to leave before going out of the gate and walking down the road. 

Carl got to her house minutes later and laid on her bed as she smiled. 

 She got up from the bed and walked to the kitchen. 

 She served herself some drinks then walked to the living room where she sat with her legs crossed. 

 She waited for her parents to get back as the maids had gone to their various houses. 

 An hour later, her parents walked in and she welcomed them. 

 "You should have your sit." She said to her parents and went into the kitchen to get some drinks for them. 

They both smiled collecting the drink from their daughter. 

 Minutes later, they were done having the drink and took a bit of rest. 

 They shared their experience in the beach to their daughter who happily listened. 

 Carl also explained how her day worked. 

 She told them about Dylan and how they started discussing. 

Her parents were happy when they heard that their daughter was going on a date with a man.

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