Part one

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Lola worked at Americano Beans and she was satisfied with her job. It was something about working at a coffee shop that she liked a lot. The smell of freshly brewed coffee was lovely but it wasn't that, that made her love her job. It was the people, the interactions she had daily with different kinds of people. There was this type of psychology behind what people order at a coffee shop. Lola could judge what a person would order only on how they acted. Almost every girl in Golden Crystal looked the same, it was their sense of style that connected all of them together. They all still had their individualism and it showed when they ordered coffee. If everyone was the same they would all prefer the same coffee drink, that wasn't the case however. She could still see that every cappuccino drinker was the same. Every macchiato drinker was the same. What also made her love her job was the ability to meet guys that she would have never had the courage to speak to. One day she met someone that had a Frappuccino that wasn't like the usual customer. It surprised her to say the least. She never saw him before so he probably moved to the city recently. He looked very intelligent and Lola did what she usually does, started to paint a picture in her head of what he would probably be like. What he wore made him look very put together and interesting. She had seen fashion on men in the town and nothing was like his. It was so simple that it made him stand out of the norm. It's hard to have a job like hers and not have a crush on every guy. She recently had a major crush on a simple black coffee drinker but he didn't feel the same anymore. This Frappuccino drinker was something else for her. Every time she saw someone that caught her attention she had to ask for his name.

- "The ordering system at Americano Beans is by numbers, not names Lola." The boss had brought it up a few times that it's inappropriate to ask for someone's name like that. The boss was a difficult man to work with even though you're not really supposed to work with a boss, the boss works over the workers. Scabby man was his other nickname by some of Lola's coworkers. No one had asked what The boss's real name was, to them he was The boss. He was a bigger man with an impressive moustache, always in his tight suit that he probably bought 10 years ago. 

- "But by asking about the customer's name it creates a personal connection with the customer." She said with a smile. Lola had to convince The boss that she only asked for the customer's name out of business point of view and not for her. 

- "You're a difficult girl, Lola star." You are probably needed out there again so get back to work." he said that while shaking his head. She heard that from everyone she met and it got to her but she never got called a star. 
- "Why am I a star, The boss?" She had to know what The boss thought about with his comment on calling her Lola star.
- "Because you will shine my girl but then like a star you will fall." She didn't know how to react to that information, she felt a bit unsettled. What could The boss possibly mean?

It was an unoriginal day at Americano beans. The clock that was shaped like a coffee cup was showing later in the afternoon. Lola was cleaning all the mugs because the mug cleaner was broken. The boss didn't bother to get it fixed since he knew Lola would make it work without the mug cleaner. It was the most convenient for him since he liked to be comfortable. "The rush usually starts soon" she thought to herself when she looked at the clock. All of the workers in Golden Crystal would come by and buy a coffee after work to be able to handle the family at home. A familiar jingle played when the doors opened to the shop.
- "A frappuccino please." it was Kieran, looking good as always.
- "The regular huh?"  She said as she started preparing it.
- "What?" he blurred out as he paid with his card. Her comment was too much, she might have made him uncomfortable. He may have thought she was creepy that she remembered his order. Why would he feel that way? She was just being friendly to him.
- "It's just what you usually order. I always remember when I see a frappuccino drinker that didn't look like the usual one." It made him chuckle a little.
- "I don't like the coffee taste so I drink it for the caffeine." There are energy drinks in the supermarket that are way cheaper and tastier if he so desperately wants caffeine.. He must have come by here for her. At least that is what Lola thought. The thought of that made her blush in front of him.
- "You got that moon blush Lola star." Her co-worker said right there in front of him. He blushed some as well. It must have meant something that he blushed as well. Oh how much she was in love with him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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