Bad Luck

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Song of the chapter: Toy Guns by Tokyo Police Club

You had moved to Midorijima a year ago to escape the big cities and mainstream lifestyle of the average American. You thought it was peaceful here in Midorijima compared to the hectic life you had been living in New York.

Finding a job wasn't hard for you. There were many small family owned businesses that didn't require much experience. You had chosen to work at a small cafe that was close to your apartment.

As you got up the next morning, you observed that your snake Allmate wasn't curled up on your beanbag chair. Hmm, you thought. After brushing your teeth and getting dressed, you headed out to get to work. It was still cloudy but the weather reports said it was going to clear up in the evening. Right now it looked as if the clouds were just big, fluffy cotton balls swimming in a sea of baby blue. In a way, it was beautiful.

You walked in the door with a smile on your face. "What's up (name)-san?" Your best friend, Amu, asked. You had met her when you first came to Midorijima. She was a quiet, shy girl at first but after getting to know her you noticed that she threw some of the best parties in town. "Nothing much. Maybe we could hang out after work?" You asked. "That sounds awesome!" She replied.


"OMG! Then I was like: It's not going to work. Then he rubbed the sticks together and it caught fire." You were at Amu's house, listening to her tell a story about when her family got lost on a camping trip. You were painting your nails a bright green and she painted hers a sparkly magenta. "Anyways," She started, looking you in the eyes, "Are you and Noiz, like, dating or something?" You were surprised by her question. "What!?! No! We're just friends. We're definitely not dating." You said, blushing. "Oh, That's too bad. You two would make a cute couple, though." She said as she got up and went into the kitchen. "Want anything? We have cake." You shook your head.

You two would make a cute couple. Her words echoed in your head. You had always thought Noiz was cute but never acted on it. What if he didn't like you back? What if you asking him out ruined your friendship? What if he says yes? What if- "Earth to (name)!" Amu said, waving a hand in front of your face. You were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn't notice Amu walking in with a hefty serving of cake that had been topped off with whipped cream.

"Oh, sorry I was just thinking about some stuff." You answered quickly, looking at the time. "It's getting really late. I should probably go home." You stated. "Why don't you stay the night?" She asked. "Naw, I have to get up early tomorrow." You said as you gathered your stuff. "Maybe next time." You added, apologetically.

It was cold and windy as you walked back to your apartment, which seemed a lot farther than it usually did. Just as you approached the alley which was a shortcut, you heard footsteps behind you. You turned, but the sidewalk was still dark and empty. You were about to continue walking when a figure dressed in all black put a hand over your mouth and dragged you into the nearby alley. You tried to break free of his hold but he wasn't going to let go anytime soon. "If you stop struggling, it will be a lot easier for both of us." He whispered. As soon as he said that, two well dressed blonde men walked out of the shadows. They looked around twenty and similar enough to be brothers. "Let go of her." One of them said. The man holding you immediately let go and stepped a few feet back.

The blondes turned their attention to you. "Look who we have here." The one with glasses said. "The infamous (name), leader of the Venom Rhyme team." They stepped closer to you. "Who are you?! What do you want?!" You asked, frantically. "You know what we want. We want Venom to become part of Morphine." You then knew who they were. They were Virus and Trip, the leaders of the Rib team, Morphine.

You tried to run. Messing with Morphine, in any situation, was a bad idea. You managed to get pretty far until more Morphine members melted out of shadows chasing you until you were caught in a dead end. Oh no, you thought, what am I supposed to do? There was nowhere you could go.

"Running away when someone is talking to you isn't very nice." Trip said. "Deal with her." He said to the hooded figures that surrounded you. You knew you were going to die. Tears streamed down your cheeks. One of the goons pulled out a knife. "I'll make this quick" he said. The next thing you knew, you were on the ground; a pool of blood surrounding you.

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