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"Eat more..", Yibo uttered placing more plate of food in front of Wuxian, who with a pleading eyes looked up towards his boyfriend, his mouth still full with foods, Xian took a little time chewing all that and swallowed hard, "Bobo..please, I don't want to eat more", he uttered pleadingly to his love who shrugged in response and walked towards the kitchen

"You have been dating my Yibo for a whole 8 months and for the first time you came to meet me, so, now eat whatever I want you to Mr.Xiao Wuxian", Jackson spoke sternly from beside the latter, who slowly turned towards him while gulping hard, "Why are you doing this to me?", he asked softly, "I am just angry, hmph!", The other rolled his eyes folding up his arms

"Bobo!", Xian slightly shouted calling or pleading for his boyfriend, who peeked from the kitchen and raised his eyebrows, "'s okay, leave him", he uttered from there looking towards his bff who turned towards him and sighed heavily, "As you say..and also he ate all 3 plates already, I don't want my bestfriend's boyfriend to be a fat man!", Jackson teased glancing towards Wuxian who sighed in relief and immediately left his chopsticks down on the plate

"Stay here until I get dressed up, it'll take just a minute for me", Yibo spoke making the both guy to turn towards him, "Alright", Wuxian replied nodding and smiled, Yibo walked towards his room and closed the door not forgetting to glance at his boyfriend for the last time, "So Mr.Xiao Tell me about yourself, let's hear from your mouth today as I'm already full with My bestfriend's mouth telling everything about you each and everyday aishh!", Jackson faked sighing heavily, which Wuxian just smiled and looked down

"What should I tell about myself?..I can say I'm the luckiest person in this world to have your bestfriend as mine, just to call Yibo only mine makes me proud and it gives me very comfort..", Xian stopped and played with his finger still smiling softly, he was indeed very happy to get Yibo his first love, "Such a beautiful speaker you are..Yah, I know how excellent you are and respectful you know that we two friends have never got any family to say ours, We only have eachother in this whole world..but everything changed when you came in his life...Yibo truly cares for you and calls you his own family, it doesn't bother me..but, never leave him Wuxian..he is truly an emerald, if you break his heart..he'll break mentally twice, this boy is very sensitive..I know him from about 17  years..and I've seen it many times, just promise me that you'll never leave him...", Jackson stopped and stared deep at the other who looked at him carefully

"I cannot or can never think about leaving him..Yibo is my life, he means a world to me..but if you want this then I promise that I'll never leave him in this life or many more lives to go, we'll stay together no matter what comes in the future", Xian smiled reassuring the other male who nodded understanding and gave a warm smile to the latter, just then the room door opened revealing Yibo in quiet simple dress, but for Wuxian he was looking not less than any beautiful person of this world

Xian stood up and watched Yibo from head to toe which eventually made the boy to go red, "W-what? Am I not looking good?", Yibo spoke taking Xian to come to his senses, he with a grin approached the other and held up his hands, "Breathtaking..", He whispered closing the distance between them, which made Yibo to blush hard and looked down in embarrassment

"UHHUM!", The voice from the back made them both jump and quickly back off from each other and looked towards the direction from where it came, "You guys should know I am also here", Jackson glared at the both males which made them both to gulp hard, "U-uhm we should leave now..r-right Xian?", Yibo shuttered and glanced towards his boyfriend who did the same thing and nodded in response


"Xian..where are you taking me?", Yibo asked looking towards the other who was holding his hand and walking somewhere, "You'll know", the other spoke glancing towards his boyfriend who pouted more, "'s been 30 minutes you've kept me in suspense!", the younger whined like a child like the older will change his mind and would kill his suspension

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