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Brace yourselves, dear readers, for the unexpected turn of events that has unfolded within the illustrious confines of the noble houses.

It seems that the scandalous whispers surrounding Princess Carmen have reached a crescendo. Unbeknownst to many, Princess Carmen had been the talk of the town, capturing the hearts and imaginations of countless gentlemen during the height of the Season's balls. However, it appears that her fairy tale romance has met an unfortunate end, for all three princesses have been abruptly sent back to their homeland!

My dear readers, you can only imagine the shock and consternation that have taken hold of our esteemed society. The cause of such an unprecedented turn of events remains shrouded in mystery, as whispers and speculations permeate every corner of the ton. Rumours circulate that a twist of fate and the whims of politics conspired against Princess Carmen, leaving her heartbroken and the glittering halls of London society bereft of her presence.

With Princess Carmen's departure, the grand tapestry of the Season's balls has been irrevocably altered. But fear not, for where one door closes, another swings wide open. The most eligible bachelor in all of England, Prince Adam, once betrothed to Princess Carmen, has now found himself single and back on the market, so to speak.

Prince Adam's re-entry into the realm of courtship has sent tremors through the hearts of debutantes and their ambitious mothers alike. It is not often that a prince finds himself in such a fortuitous position, and one can only imagine the excitement that will ensue as the ton vies for his attentions.

As for Prince Adam himself, his re-entry onto the market presents him with an opportunity to rewrite his own love story. Will he be captivated by a new face, or will he find solace in the arms of a long-forgotten flame? The possibilities are endless, and our hearts beat with anticipation at the thought of a royal courtship unravelled before our very eyes.

While the absence of Princess Carmen and her sisters may cast a shadow over the coming events, do not despair, dear readers. For as surely as the seasons change, so too does the fabric of society. We must adapt and embrace the newfound possibilities that lay before us. It is a time for renewed hope, newfound aspirations, and, of course, Lady Whistledown's discerning gaze upon the unfolding romance of Prince Adam.

So hold on to your bonnets, dear readers, for the London Season promises to be nothing short of thrilling, as the quest for love takes centre stage once more. The streets shall be filled with whispers of intrigue, secrets unveiled, and perhaps even a scandal or two. Let us immerse ourselves in the whirlwind of passion, heartbreak, and undeniable allure that is the world of the ton.

With quill in hand and ink at the ready, I, Lady Whistledown, shall be your steadfast companion through this tumultuous journey, providing the most scandalous titbits and astute observations. Prepare yourselves, dear readers, for the Season is far from over. The hunt for true love continues, and the fate of Prince Adam, as well as the hearts of countless others, hangs in the balance.

Yours truly,

Lady Whistledown

Two days had passed since the incident, and Y/n's state had deteriorated significantly. Her room had become her sanctuary, but it now felt more like a prison. The once vibrant and lively young woman had transformed into a mere shadow of her former self.

Y/n's eyes appeared sunken, their spark extinguished by the weight of her despair. Her complexion was pale, and her cheeks were hollow, reflecting her lack of nourishment. She had not eaten a single morsel since that dreadful day, her appetite consumed by grief and heartache.

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