"Maria," he declared, she slowly looked over to him, a tired smile appearing on her expression.

"Hey angel," she said, nodding to the chair in front of her before looking at him again, "How's your day been?"

He locked the door behind himself before gently placing the bag down in front of it, "Decent," he answered.

Then he walked over to one of the kitchen cupboards and opened it, grabbing a mug for himself, "Actually, I've got some pretty big news." he began while closing the cupboard, and taking a seat at the dining table.

Maria hummed, grabbing the wine bottle and pouring some for Angello. Only one third of his mug was filled, but that was usually the amount she'd allow anyway.

"The uh- Yknow, two chefs are better than one, they gave me a promotion." he said, internally cringing at the name of the diner.

"So one chef is better than two," she mused, before grinning slightly, "Yeah? How much are they gonna pay you now?"

"Oh.. A lot, but it's not just more payment. They're actually promoting me to work at a big branch, only issue is that it's in the United States." he explained, and Maria's expression didn't grow concerned or worried, instead she smiled even wider.

"Really?! Oh god, oh my god," she sighed in relief, "You said issue and I thought something was terribly wrong- But this is amazing! You'll get to live in the States!" she exclaimed cheerfully.

Angello quickly splattered a smile onto his face and grabbed the mug, taking a big sip before putting it down, "Yeah, then you guys would be able to move as well, they're paying like 50k a year."

"Huh?" she raised a brow, "50 grand?

Angello grinned, "It's a huge and busy branch, I'll be some fancy chef."

"If you say so, Angel. I'm just happy for you- Oh! Do you know where you're gonna live?" she asked, Angello quickly shook his head.

"They haven't told me yet, but I'll be going to the airport in uh- Two days," he explained.

Maria hummed before she eyed him skeptically, "Ok, Angel, just take care." she said.
Then Maria stood up and ruffled his hair, "I'm proud of your hard work, you know that?"

Angello just gave her another quick smile before grabbing the mug again, "Yeah, why wouldn't I know."


Zachary slammed his fist against the bathroom door, "James! Get out!" he yelled, not recieving a single response from his younger brother.
He furrowed his brows, "I have important news!"

That went on for just a few more minutes, before the door swung open and a very angry James stood on the other side, "What!?" he snapped.

Zachary rolled his eyes, "Well come on then, I wanna tell mom and dad too."

James' left eye twitched slightly, and his expression of distaste remained as he followed Zachary out of the hotel room, then to where their parents suite would be.

"What's so important that I couldn't take a quick piss?" he demanded.

"You'll see," was all Zachary said in explanation, smirking slightly as he walked.

Once they arrived at the suite Zachary impatiently knocked on the door and waited for just a few seconds before knocking again.

"Come in!" he heard his mother's voice yell from the other side, Zachary quickly opened the door and stepped inside.

"Mom!" he called out while looking around the room, "Get dad!"

His mother came out of the bathroom, wearing a blouse, a pencil skirt, a blazer, along with some red heels.
"Your father's away on a little business trip, but I'm all ears."

"Ah-" Zachary quickly nodded, it wasn't unusual in the slightest for his father to be away without bothering to tell him or James, "That isn't an issue, he already knows most of the situation anyway- But the big news is, I'm finally moving to the U.S!"

His mother's expression grew concerned, while James simply looked unbothered, which was odd for someone as uptight as him.

"What?" his mother asked, and Zachary frowned slightly.

"Dad managed to get me an apartment in New York, I'll be flying there in two days." he explained, then after some thought he added, "Like I wanted to."

His mother let out a small sigh of relief at hearing the mention of her husband, then she just nodded, "Okay, honey. I've got a meeting to go to now, ask one of the maids here if you need any help packing, I'll pay for it when I'm back."

Zachary's frown remained, she thought this was some stupid adventure, but it was quite the opposite.
Zachary's parents weren't allowing him to major in anything but business. In America though, he'll have freedom. He'd get into a good college, get a decent job, and before they knew it he'd cut off any relationship he had with them.

Zachary narrowed his eyes at his mom, and he could sense her feeling quite superior.
Sense? Yes sense.

Not only was he able to sense feelings and emotions of people, but he could also change them at his own will, although this was something both his parents knew so he wouldn't be trying anything funny right now.

"Good luck at your meeting." he stated flatly.


Angello walked into the airport, carrying a backpack, the crossbody bag his blades were in, and dragging two massive suitcases behind him.
It was 3 in the morning, and he hadn't slept, so it wasn't hard to tell that he was grumpy.

That idiot Willow dude had never mentioned when exactly to be at the airport, and for 20k a month, Angello didn't wanna be a horrible employee.

He found a seat somewhere near the entrance and took off his backpack, placing it on the ground in front of him before sitting down.

He'd just wait here, as long as he needed to, staring at the entrance.
He'd wait patiently, for 20k a month.

Angello slowly blinked, the tiredness almost taking over, but he wasn't gonna let himself sleep.

Or maybe he was.

Angello blinked again, his eyelids feeling heavy, and it felt like it was taking him an undescribable effort to keep his head up without resting it on anything.

Eventually he gave up on fighting back, he just rest his head against the wall that was behind him, still staring at the door, trying his best to keep his eyes wide open.

A little nap wouldn't hurt.
It couldn't.

Angello yawned and closed his eyes, and in just a few seconds he was already starting to sleep.

He was uncertain how long it'd been exactly, probably just a few minutes, but he felt someone harshly tap his shoulder a few times, and he opened his eyes to see Mr. Willow standing right in front of him.

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