chapter 38-groupchat

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Selene and her crew

Ferret: well s what do you say

You: let him in

Hubby: are you sure

You: yes i cant keep avoiding him forever

Flower: your standing behind him ain't you


Marlene: selene

You: ...

Dorcus: selene get away from him

You: its not like he can see me

Google: ok im adding him now

Queenpans: so i recommend you delete the last bit you guys just messaged 

Selene, lily, marlene and dorcus all deleted the message about theo and hermione added him to the group chat

Theo: hi

Pintrestboy: hey man you alright

Theo: yeah urr selene can we meet up i really need to talk to you

Ferret: ha good luck with that

Theo: please selene its important

You: would you mind waiting a few weeks

Theo: please 

Astroilove: theo she cant

Theo: why

Queenpans: she did a really big spell and died

Theo: what, what happened to her child

Hubby: i have her

You: what did you want to talk about theo

Theo: its fine ill wait for you to come back 

Selene At Hogwarts ||Theo notts Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat