chapter 47- irl

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I open my eyes and look around the room confused thinking where am i? What day is it? And all that, as i look around the room i hear a voice 

Rebekah: good your up i was wondering when you would get up

Selene: where am i

???: new orleans darling 

I hear a voice i've never heard before i turn my head and i see a man i've differently haven't seen 

Selene: Who are you?

???: Kol Mikealson pleasure to meet you darling

He kisses my hand and Rebekah hits him on the head

Rebekah: she's married and has a boyfriend and a child you idiot

Selene: can someone explain to me what's going on

I get out of the coffin and Kol gives me a chair to sit while Rebekah explain

Rebekah: ok it's been 15 years since after nik changed your face and turned you into an original, he put you to sleep but the thing is he didn't tell anyone where he put you but a few years ago he noticed your face was changing by itself everyone was confused but he still wouldn't tell us where he put you even though everyone was offering to help

Kol handed me a mirror and that's when i noticed this was the face i was born in my blues eyes were back and so was my blond hair but then it hit me 

Selene: Wait, if Klaus never told anyone where I was, how did you find me?

Kol: he left us a message in our family group chat telling us where he put you and then him and elijah killed themselves 

I was as confused why did they kill themself but before i could ask Rebekah spoke 

Rebekah: nik killed himself to protect his daughter while Elijah did it cause he thought he nik would be alone for some weird reason

Selene: and the whole Katherina and your mum thing what happened with that 

Rebekah: the salvatore brothers dealt with Katherine and my mum is will not be returning at all 

I don't know who the Salvatore brothers are but ill let it slide 

Selene: are my...

Rebekah: there downstairs and so is your daughter she's grown up so beautifully

Kol: forget beautiful shes hot

I vamp speed locked my arm on Kol neck

Selene: stay away from my daughter you hear me

He nodded and both of them led me downstairs to see my family

A/N: its nearly over my longest story I've written so far get ready for chapter 50 the last chapter 

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