A New Warrior

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AN: HIIII I came back with another story. The other is not discontinued, I just had to get this one out really bad.

This one will have shorter updates since I plan to make the chapters longer.

This story has constant references to Epic: The musical songs, like every other paragraph.

ALSO NO I AM NOT USING SAKI AS TSUKASA ANGST I SWEAR!! The beginning needed to happen for some real Saki lore later in the story!!!

And if you missed it earlier, this is a goddess and warrior romance au of Tsukasa and Nene. It can be read ignoring the romance, however.


When Tsukasa was born, he was immediately announced as a mistake. It was no surprise to many, considering how much of an "idiot" his father had been.

When his father was chosen to marry his mother, the people of the town questioned why a son of such a rich and popular family, would marry a family of poor status and a daughter with her head in the clouds.

Tsukasa's mother had been a woman like no other. And not in a good way. Always gets herself into trouble, has no respect for manners, and nothing of the term "ladylike" aligned with her.

It seemed his mother, was not too in favor of the marriage either, begging for her parents to reconsider her having to marry a man that she did not love. Alas, Tsukasa's father had many riches, and promising things to pledge to the Tenma family.

So Tsukasa's father and mother married, bringing the Tenma family up in status. No longer would his mother's family have to live on the lower side of the town, finally having the money and status to do as they pleased.

Tsukasa's father's family had been on the richer side. They had higher status and higher levels of money. Their son, however, had been hiding from the public much due to unknown reasons.

The public wondered why the higher class family had chosen the lower class daughter to marry their son, instead of choosing the same level of class or even a higher one.

But when the day of the wedding arrived, and they were due to marry, the public had seen Tsukasa's father smile at his new bride at the reveal of her. They now knew why he was hidden, why he never showed up in public, why he married the strange brat of a girl.

It was because he was stupid, for husbands do not smile at their wives, and brides do not smile at husbands, especially on days of marriage.

And the bride had not smiled back, how her face contorted in disgust as a reply said it all, displaying the happiness of their future marriage right there in the open.

When he was about four, Tsukasa started to notice the signs. He had seen his father offer anything his mother desired to her, and she accepted it. But never happily.

They had tried to go out and act like a normal couple, doing things together. Communicate. But it always ended with his mother screaming at his father, or his mother storming off.

Over the years, his mother's creativity and uniqueness died out. She had given up hope of a happy life and had decided to reform herself to fit in like every other woman in the village.

She started acting in an "orderly" manner again, not speaking when unnecessary, not going out just for fun anymore, instead staying locked up in the house, the rare times she comes out being meetings with family friends.

Even then, she would sit silently in her chair, making sure Tsukasa sat still, not making noise either.

It was no secret to Tsukasa that he was born just to carry the bloodline. His mother had told him directly.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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