"What about water? You didn't talked about that." Said little Alys and to his surprise she was correct. Maenera didn't mentioned anything about water, not even a river in the woods. Those Strongs were surprisingly intuitive.

"Never felt an affinity for it. Never met someone who had one either. I have a theory that the Rhoynar have one, but it is just a theory. There are some writings about the  water mages, followers of Mother Rhoyne, but it has been so long ago that the writings may be wrong and or flourished.  From what I have seen most magicks done are form nature and fire. The wood witches are a good example, they draw their power from the nature that is why most of them live in isolation in the woods. The followers of R'hllor, the red witches are taking their power from fire. Beyond the wall wargs and skin changers take their power from the wild animals they are bonding with. " She explained.

It made sense, her explanations. It made him feel a bit stupid with the amount of knowledge she had on the subject. He was never interested in the magicks, not even that of his own house. The only thing that he perfected was his bond with his dragon. He made an effort do bond extremely well with Caraxes. They could understand each other without any commands given, their moods sometimes transferring from one another. Daemon had never been interested in dreams and spells. He had a healthy dose of respect for them, but didn't put much stock in it.

His sister also seemed to be a good teacher. The way she captivated the room with her explanation seemed to be a gift. Maenera was an amazing orator. Not for the first time he realized that when she spoke people listened. Being in the council meetings or at the dinner table giving lessons on magicks, she could captivate her audience and could get her point across with ease. Daemon was once again amazed.

"So with that out of the way, how do you feel about kidnapping?" Maenera asked.

Lord Strong seemed alarmed and Viserys looked like he wanted to bang his head on the table. Daemon in the other hand began smiling. This was going to be interesting.


After dinner, only the ones leaving for the city, remained at the table. His sister was kind enough to say who were they kidnapping. A Dornish knight it seemed. They talked about him before, Ser Criston Cole. Daemon remembered him from the Heir Tourney, they didn't faced each other as Daemon left as soon as his he saw his brother leaving, but he remembered him as a good fighter. He didn't know why they were kidnapping him and what his sister intended to do with him, but he had a vague idea that it will not end well for Ser Criston. The last time Maenera and Daemon had gone into the city together they killed Mysaria. He was sensing a theme here.

"So what are we going to do?" Asked Daemon.

"Cole usually spends his nights at a tavern, in Fleabottom. We use the the easiest way to get a knight from a grup. A scared child looking for her mother." His sister responded.

"Wait. We are going to use Alys as bait?" Asked Harwin suddenly worried.

"Yes, do not worry ser Harwin we will be close. Nothing will happen to her. After he gets out of the tavern smack him on the head with the flat of your sword."

"All right. Let's say this works. What are we going to do with him after?" Larys said.

"We carry him to the woods. And by we, I mean Ser Harwin and my dear brother Daemon." She said and began smiling at us.

"Why do Harwin and I need to carry him? Do you know how long it takes to get to the woods?" Daemon exclaimed.

"You cannot imply that me and Alys should carry him." She said in a mock outrage." And Larys has problems with his leg, are you such a cruel man that you would make a sick man carry another?"

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