Chapter 4: Lotus and Live Lyrics

Start from the beginning

"Why wouldn't I? We've got to get this done, right? I'd know, since you've said it over and over again." He rolled his eyes.

"Huh, I didn't realize you were actually listening." I tilted my head with squinted eyes. Robby let out a small, quick huff of air. "How can I not listen? Your voice is always so loud and annoying-"

"Is everything ok over here?"

We both looked at the person that interrupted us. It was one of the librarians. She had a stern look on her face.

Robby smiled at the lady. "Yes ma'am, sorry for the disturbance. I was just telling my friend here that she needs to keep her voice down," Robby explained, lowering his voice at the end of his sentence. Then he looked at me. "Really, Y/n. People are trying to do their work." He shook his head lightly.

I narrowed my eyes at him and opened my mouth to speak, but was in interrupted by the librarian again. She let out a quick 'shhh' with a finger held in front of her lips, before she turned sharply and walked away.

I watched her walk away, my mouth still open. I heard Robby laughing quietly, so I slowly looked back at him. "You are too easy," he told me, his laughter ceasing.

I was about to argue with him, but he stood up suddenly. He slung his backpack over his shoulder, grabbed his skateboard, and started walking out.

I thought for a second, before making the quick decision to follow him. I shoved the papers in my backpack before jogging towards the doors Robby just walked out of.

He must have known it was me, because he looked back and rolled his eyes, looking forward again. "So you're following me now?" he asked when I caught up with him.

"I'm definitely not. Despite you finally deciding to put in some work, we still have to do some today to stay ahead," I told him. He kept walking, quietly thinking. "Fine," he finally said, before stopping abruptly and looking at me. "I'll do more work if we can do it somewhere else."

I smiled sarcastically. "All right," I spoke with a fake preppy voice. "Why don't we go to some alleyway that you and your dimwitted friends smoke weed in? Do our work there?" The smile stuck on my face.

He looked into my eyes, deeply and silently. "You really are annoying. Has anyone ever told you?" He started walking again. I walked too. "In case that went over your head, I didn't actually mean that we should go do the project in an alley," I said.

He only glanced at me briefly, before looking straight ahead again.

We walked in silence, besides my asking where we were going. He never answered; he just took more turns down more streets. Eventually, I stopped asking and crossed my arms in annoyance. We walked for what seemed like forever.

I have to admit though, the route he took was really quite stunning. I saw lots of cool new restaurants I never heard of—I made a mental note to tell my mom about some of them—a couple book stores, beautiful parks with lots of trees and flowers...

I stopped walking when I heard the sound of someone clearing their throat behind me. I looked to Robby, only he wasn't there. When I looked back, I saw him standing several feet behind me. I didn't realize he stopped walking.

Then and Now // Robby Keene x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now