Proxy and creepypasta subliminal (in order)

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4 years ago, I started listening to this.

I did this for about 1 month to 2 months

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I did this for about 1 month to 2 months.
1st day
It was a lot of fun and when I listened to this, I read out "the pledge of a proxy" many times. Before the video stopped playing, then I did it again.
2nd day to 4 th day
It was like nothing happened because they were just observing me and studying me to know me first because that was the first time that they met me. It was the first time I met them. And they were assigning me a partner.
5th day
Heard noises in my head, but it was like a whisper. So couldn't hear it clearly.
6th day
It was abit louder, and I could hear them more clearer in the dark when I was sleeping.
7th day
I met someone and she was really nice. I'm sure they wanted me to go there because I needed to be mentally stronger. My partner introduced me to Linda, also a really great coach teacher, but I had to work in groups of people. I met all kinds of people, but most of all, they were really proud while staring at me from a distance. But it was full of forests, with fences around it. It says "area 13". Must've been a dangerous area.
8th day
My partner takes care of me at night, helping me to recover and by sleeping with me. He had a deep voice and I soon knew it was Hoodie that was my partner. He had to push me abit more further.
9th day
I read the proxy pledge again. My partner and I get stronger in this.
10th day
I focused more in my health.
11th day till one month
My health got better.
I stopped

I listened to this three years ago.

I did this for 7 months

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I did this for 7 months.
My life has taken a turn at school. Instead I may have been targeted by the proxies, but I'm just not too sure if I was.

First few days were just hiccups because I felt their presence near me. It was strange at first, but I started to get used to their energy after two weeks of listening to this subliminal.

Three weeks to One month and a few weeks
Everything was going well. I met a lot of people with hoods, black clothes, some teleported and some I never seen again.

2 months
- I ate one brownie that my friend gave to me and then a brownie reappeared in her box and I ate the one that magically appeared in her box.
- I had many of them looking out for me that are creepypastas and proxies (ghosts, demons, angels, fallen angels, gods, humans, creatures, etc)
- I gone far away more (city, restaurants, beaches, overseas, roller coasters, etc).
3 months
- They knew where I was, so they often pass by. They even through eggs at my plants.
- I felt like "was this by chance or was the word spread out that they know where I lived", then I started getting anxious and nervous, but also excited and happy at the same time that they know where I was.
4 months
- I guessed they got used to me to they kept on touching me and getting all my attention on them. I heard them telepathically, energetically, physically and spiritually. It came form hearing them to meeting them , but it took time.
5 months
- My partner that was assigned for me (creepypasta or proxy) was helping me out on the way. They comforted me and they knew what all my problems were by studying me and observing me. They tried to help me out by making me happy and joyful. They made me have new friends, made all my love interests fall in love with me, they made me go in a spiritual journey (tarot, occult, sigils, candle wax readings, coffee cup readings and candle magic through YouTube.
6 months
- Things are having a turn to my life. My friends are getting bullied by these boys that liked me so much, that it got out of hand. Even though I regretted yelling at them, I'm sure I did the right thing.
- Seems like I felt abit too guilty about yelling at them at the first place, that I think my partner got really worried and sad on what was going on, so he wanted me to experience something about this problem. So if someone was doing this to me, would I like it?, but in where so would get experience in that way.
7 months
The experience of "if someone was doing this to me, would I like it" came to life and I sure didn't like it, so I stopped listening.

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