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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

notti.osamaa nobody wanna see us together but that don't matter cause I got you 💯❤️

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@Sugarhillddot I got you forever and always ❤️
↪️@notti.osamaa love you so much it's insane ❤️

@ddosama my best friend and my brother seems like something out of a fanfic and it's gross
↪️@notti.osamaa oh hush

@mr.moveelook no truer words have ever been spoken

@bloodiefrmdao hopefully one day this will be me and Jay
↪️@jayklickin it's only one date don't get yo hopes up 🙄



اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

oy.quan rest in peace to those who fold

*Comments turned off*


@ddosama I'm so close to removing dudey from the chat

@dudeylo come on baby boy don't be like that

@ddosama don't ever call me that again 🤮

@Sugarhillddot everybody shut up I'm in the middle of a crisis 😭

@notti.osamaa baby please calm down

@Sugarhillddot shut up talking to me Ethan before I block you I already kicked you out

@jayklickin Oop trouble in paradise ☕️

@bloodiefrmdao notti cheated didn't he

@notti.osamaa cheat on darrian? Of course not we locked in

@jstar_balla locked in? But he threatened to block you and kicked you out of his home

@sugarhill_tj their a couple their going to have a few fights

@oy.quan ok so what exactly is the fight about

@Sugarhillddot Ethan told me he was leaving me to go to Miami and he was going to be gone for two weeks and I couldn't go with him then he ate the last mango 😭😭😭

@mr.moveelook so instead of treasuring the time ya'll have together you kick him out and get mad about fruit that can be for at the store

@Sugarhillddot shut up Keem!

@mr.moveelook some people really can't handle the truth 🙄😂

@notti.osamaa baby it's only two weeks and we'll FaceTime everyday and I'll buy you a million mangos if you'd just forgive me

@Sugarhillddot only two weeks? That's mad long and dont bother cause while you gone I'll find me a side piece and I'll do a only fans with him instead

@notti.osamaa ....

@Sugarhillddot why did you break the window why are you running upstairs!?!

@dudeylo 😂😂😂

@oy.quan ddot?

@Sugarhillddot this is Ethan he can't come to the phone right now he's busy but will try his best to hit ya'll back later

@bloodiefrmdao dang 😂😂😂

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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