Chapter 13

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"Hello Darling," Owen said gently as Celeste walked into the living room with Silas and Sean right behind her. "Momma said she and Jessica will pick up Fae from school since Sean said we needed to have a family meeting."

Kota chuckled, "She also said they needed to get her anyway for some much-needed bonding time."

"Is something wrong?" North asked as she nervously sat down between Silas and Axel.

"I don't know," she said honestly as she clasped her fingers together and bounced her knees. It was a nervous anxious habit of hers. Axel and Silas both put their hands on her knees and gently squeezed to reassure her and give her strength.

"What's going on Baby?" North asked resting his elbows on his knees.

She burst into tears, making North look at her shocked and everyone else look at Sean confused. Silas pulled her into his lap and motioned for Kota to get out of the rocking chair. He started rocking her while rubbing her back, "It'll be okay Angelos Mou, I promise. Everything will be okay, remember what Doc and I told you?" She nodded as she sobbed into his chest. "Then there's no reason to worry, is there?"

"I," she sobbed.

He nodded, "Okay, Angelos Mou, alright, Doc and I will tell them. You just try and calm down now."

"Oy, someone better start explaining what the fuck is going on right now," Gabe said bouncing his knee.

"We are going to be adding onto our family," Sean smiled brightly. "Our Fae is going to be a big sister."

"You're pregnant?" everyone asked excitedly.

She sat up and nodded while wiping her face and sniffling. "B...b..."

"Liam has taken a five year contract in Dubai and has informed Angelos Mou that he doesn't not want to be a parent," Silas explained as he continued to rock her. "He was fine being a friend to Fae because he did not have to be a parental role in her life but he does not want anything to do with this blessing."

"Who...who...," she hiccupped as she wiped her face again.

"Nice and slow Doll," Axel gently encouraged as he rubbed his thumb on top of her hand that he was holding. "Just take your time."

She slowly inhaled then let it out shakily. "Who would have thought the f...f...f," she huffed in annoyance, "first time I...I...I was with someone since our d...d...divorce four y...years ago I w...w..." She huffed in annoyance again.

"Can I?" Axel asked and she nodded in appreciation. "Are you saying that you have only been with Liam since our divorce four years ago and that one time you got pregnant?" She nodded and sniffled while laying her head on Silas' chest as tears slipped down her face and nose.

"The times he stayed with you, you didn't Cupcake?" Luke asked.

"I um..." she cleared her throat and whispered, "I couldn't get wet, and he didn't believe in lube. I just told him I didn't feel right doing it with Fae in the house."

"Oh Cupcake," Luke sighed softly. "You sweet sweet Cupcake."

"Celeste," Owen said gently yet sternly. She turned to look at him and sniffled, "What do you want to do? It's your decision and whatever you decide we will support you."

"You already know my feelings on this, Owen," She pouted and sniffled.

"Alright then," he nodded, "I will draw up some termination of parental rights paperwork that he will need to fill out and sign, Gabriel you need to go through the attic and—"

"Before we do all that we need to make sure she is able to carry it," Sean shook his head. "Based on her past, we need to make sure she makes it through the first trimester first. Once I am sure she will be able to carry the baby then we can start planning everything else."

"We are willing and will obey," they nodded in unison.

"How far along?" Kota asked.

"Based on the bloodwork I tested, she is seven weeks and three days," Sean said professionally. "Silas only knows because he walked in right before I drew her blood."

"Aww, you got your cuddler to help you be strong," Luke smiled softly.

"I have already told her to stop taking her antidepressants and will go get her prenatals and progestrogen in a few," Sean informed them, "off the books of course."

"Course," They nodded.

"Darling," Owen said cleaning his glasses before putting them back on. She yawned and pouted as she lifted her head off Silas' chest. Owen had to force himself not to let slip that millimeter smile of his as he watched her. "Will you please move back home so we can help you?"

She whimpered then carefully got out of Silas' lap and walked over to Owen. He scooted his chair back and she slowly sat down. He automatically wrapped his arm around her back, and she started running his tie through her fingers. She sniffled as he gently held her and waited, "I'm scared many things...but...but," she took a deep breath as he gently lifted her chin and locked eyes with his grey ones. Her mind silenced as he held her gaze, "I want to come home, Dragon."

That special smile formed on his lips that coated her with warmth as he nodded, "Alright then Darling, let's get you ready for a nap and Mr. Coleman will do what he does best."

"Lay with me," she pouted.

He kissed her nose, "I need to take care of the paperwork of moving you back home and setting your place up as a rental for you, but Mr. Ravenstahl needs to take a nap since he has work tonight. He's been refusing saying he's fine but I think we both know he will listen to you."

"Kay," She hugged him and he sighed in content at having her in his arms. He didn't let go until she did. She stood and walked over to stand in front of Raven.

"Kitten," Raven smiled up at her.

She held her hand out and pouted, "Come take a nap with me, Bear."

He smirked and interlaced their fingers as he stood. She started to leave the room with him following with a huge grin on his face, "Da Kitten."

Corey chuckled as he shook his head, "of course he will listen to her."

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