✧ 14 ✧

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You pulled Maria closer to you by the waist, making your gowns touch. Nothing in the world could keep you from recognizing those beautiful eyes of hers, not even the masquerade mask covering most of her features.

 The Second Waltz was playing, adding to the Victorian atmosphere that was already spread around the great hall. You started swaying from side to side, leading Maria. 

"Didn't know you could dance," she remarked charmingly, with a hint of irony.

"My father taught me," you responded, not giving it much importance.

"But I bet he didn't let you lead, so how do you know how to?"

"I always paid more attention to his part of the dance, I certainly wasn't gonna let myself be led by some stupid hunk," you said, rolling your eyes in the process.

Maria chuckled, then leaned in to kiss you, and whispered "That's my girl" into your ear, sending shivers down your spine.

Eventually, the song ended, and Maria was forced by circumstances to leave. Even though you knew her motives, you couldn't help but throw her a sad glance, to which she responded with a frown, signifying a 'sorry'.

You did, however, remember that you also had things to do, so, just like any normal person working would, you went toward the bar. 

You noticed a man with an earpiece standing at the bar, probably their boss, so you enabled your charm as much as you could and you walked in his direction, making sure to sway your hips a little bit more than necessary. 

"The music tonight is wonderful, don't you think?" you asked in a rhetorical tone.

"I couldn't agree more," the man responded. He was quite tall, and what any straight girl would call 'handsome'. You, however, didn't belong in that category. But that didn't keep you from knowing exactly what to do to get what you wanted from him. "I'm William, by the way."

"Margaret, enchanted to meet you," you declared, playing the role perfectly and reaching your hand forward, which he politely took and placed a small kiss upon it. 

You continued chit-chatting about quite random subjects, but you couldn't help but feel out of place flirting with a man instead of being by Maria's side. 

"So how did you end up at this party, Margaret?" he asked, but you felt your stomach churning because of him but also because of the name he used.

"Stark's ideas fascinate me. I couldn't keep myself from coming to see them in person," you explained in the same fancy and flirty tone you used for every sentence addressed to him.

"You should know that... where I work... I see those types of things every day," he announced, looking at the floor, then at you, through his eyebrows. He was clearly trying to 'seduce' you, but he was far from succeeding. You played along, however, making him think that you fell into his pathetic little trap.

"Really? Do you... happen to have any empty posts?" you questioned, playing the 'innocent girl' role.

"I'm sure that I could easily find something for someone as breathtaking as you are," he replied, and you physically struggled to seem impressed by his advances and not to slap him for even suggesting hiring someone for their looks.

You wrote your fake phone number on a paper towel and handed it to him, giving him a very fake 'call me if you want to fuck me' look. 

"See you around, Lady Margaret," he pronounced, and you smiled at him politely.

You quickly made your way toward Steve, who was hanging out with Bucky, and you couldn't help but wonder if he asked him out. 

"I'm getting a new job," you declared as you approached them grinning. They looked confused, so you continued. "I charmed a L.A.M.B. agent with my amazing charisma." This time they seemed amused, but their happiness was short-lived.

"Maria's in trouble," sputtered Steve, and you threw him a shocked look.

"What do you mean she's in trouble?" you hastily questioned, your stomach sinking.

"They found her sneaking in. Was that their boss you were just talking to?" intervened Bucky.

"Uhm yeah, why?" 

"Any chance you could keep him busy? It might help us save Maria," suggested Steve.

"I have something in mind," you responded, a plan slowly forming in your mind. You were about to do something terribly uncomfortable for you, but you would do anything to save Maria, so you couldn't back down.

You rushed back toward the bar, where the guy was still standing, seeming a little stressed this time.

"Let me help you unwind a bit," you whispered seductively in his ear. "Meet me upstairs in five."

You continued walking as if being carried by the wind. You hastily sneaked into the ladies' room to adjust your makeup and to make sure you smelled good, then you headed upstairs, anxiety filling your chest.


795 words

A/n - I hope this was as fun for you to read as it was for me to write

The Wolf And The Lamb ~ Maria Hill x y/n (fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now