𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚: 𝙡𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙬𝙤𝙤𝙙 & 𝙘𝙤

Start from the beginning

Ever since that night at Moorgate Mill, her talent, touch specifically, had been heightened. Now when she touched things, she often got a vision. It scared her the first time it happened.

A scream of "oh my god! Get that away from me!" broke Ziggy out of her thoughts, topaz eyes narrowing on the door in front of her as it was flung open. A blonde girl ran out of the room and out of the house.

"Okey-dokey," the boy said, his hands in his pocket as he nodded with his head. "If you'd like to follow me?"

Lucy followed the boy into the room, Ziggy trailing behind. There was a tall boy with dark brown hair, wearing a suit, standing at the fireplace; his back to them.

"You win," the boy who greeted them at the door said, moving over so the girls could. Ziggy entered the room, standing closer to the couch so that Lucy could enter the room when she was done staying in the doorway. The room was messy but also neat, and it definitely felt warm in the house. And not temperature wise, but like those that inhabited the house actually liked one another, like the house wasn't just a building stand on the side of a street. "There was two more."

The taller boy didn't turn around, distracted by something in his hands as he gave his reply. "No, you win. I checked the list, that was the last one."

Ziggy felt herself smile at hearing their words. It was such a dumb thing to bet on yet, Norrie and her used to do just that. Though, Ziggy almost always won.

"Then who's this?" The shorter boy asked, turning to glance at the girls; confusion in his voice clear as day.

The taller boy turned around, freezing when he caught a look at who was here. Lucy gave a small wave as she also gave a small smile. "Hello," the tall boy said, recomposing himself rather quickly as he straightened up. "I'm Anthony Lockwood."

Ziggy couldn't deny the fact that boy was rather handsome and the way he spoke made her feel relaxed. She always had a thing for voices and the most soothing ones were the ones she tended to sway to; she tended to stick close to those. She waved at him, giving him a small smile. "I'm Ziggy Adler," she said before glancing at Lucy.

"I'm Lucy Carlyle," Lucy spoke up. "We don't have an appointment but we saw your advert in the paper, and we were in the area."

Ziggy felt like snorting; they most definitely weren't in the area as they walked for a half hour before finding the place.

Lockwood seemed to perk up, looking happy. "You've heard of us?"

Ziggy shook her head as she watched the boy who greeted them at the door move to stand next to Lockwood. "No."

The boy looked crestfallen for a moment before his face went blank. Lucy cleared her throat before she handed him her CV's, gesturing for Ziggy to get into her bag to also grab her own.

Though Ziggy's weren't the real ones, Lucy had helped her with altering them so that Elizabeth Adler was no longer on them; instead it was Ziggy Adler. Elizabeth Adler was dead to her and she didn't want to meet that girl ever again. It also made Ziggy even more grateful for Lucy.

"Our CV's," Lucy said as she took Ziggy's from her; holding both of them out for Lockwood to take.

He took it before pausing, glancing between the three. "Would you like some tea? Or has George already offered?"

V I S I O N S • A. LockwoodWhere stories live. Discover now