Start from the beginning

The blond boy shook his head before handing the girl a can of the bitter alcohol. "John B has the survival skills of a cockroach, Bluey. Even if he gets arrested, I'm sure he'll be out in no time, and DCS probably won't hear a thing about it."

She sighed, "Let's hope." She mumbled before cracking the can open and taking a swig, letting the lukewarm liquid run down her throat.

"What was he hoping to find in that lighthouse, anyway?" Pope spoke up, declining a beer from JJ with a wave of his hand. "Did he think Big John would be camping out up there?"

JJ kicked the boy's leg, causing Pope to screech in pain. The blond fixed a pointed gaze on his friend before speaking. "Dude, watch it." His eyes shifted to Blue for a short second, trying to get Pope to take a hint.

Blue rolled her eyes at his antics. "It's fine, Jayj." She assured him, though she appreciated the sentiment. "I think JB was probably just hoping there was another clue in there." She answered the previous question.

"What? Like a scavenger hunt?" Pope asked.

"Yes, exactly like a scavenger hunt." Blue replied sarcastically at the absurd thought. "Hopefully we'll find some Easter eggs along the way."

"I do like those chocolate coins." JJ chimed in.

Somehow, the girl found it in herself to laugh despite the topics that were floating around in the air. JJ took out his vape, inhaling and exhaling flavored smoke in repeated actions before letting Blue take her turn. After letting the chemicals swirl around in her lungs a few times, she spoke up again.

"I don't know what's going on, but I'm sure we're about to find out." She said.

The words washed over the three teenagers in eerie waves. It was like sitting on your surfboard in the ocean, running your hands over the water and feeling the beginning of a surge, knowing something was about to happen. The thrumming in your chest, the anticipation of what's to come - it was all there. But instead of a sense of excitement being paired with it, the Pogues only felt a mix of dread and worry.

"And you call me the pessimist." Pope mumbled, making Blue laugh, but the sound was short and sweet.

"If the shoe fits." The girl mumbled into her beer can before taking a sip. The boy just smiled back at her, neither of them taking offense to their usual jabs.

Moments began to pass by; the sun was darkening into a burnt orange hue and the air was getting slightly chillier. As minute after minute came and went, Blue's worry grew, her imagination running to wild lengths - wondering what could have happened to her brother and best friend. The boys noticed her anxious state and tried their best to distract her and cheer her up, but nothing quite worked.

Well, not until the familiar sound of the Twinkie's nearly extinct engine came roaring into JJ's backyard.

Blue, JJ, and Pope all perked up as the beloved hippie van pulled to a stop near the side of the Maybank house, several honks sounding out into the air before it was parked. The driver side window was rolled down, revealing John B, who was now sporting several bruises on his face and a sheen of sweat covering his tan skin. Despite his newly withered appearance, the boy seemed to be okay as he motioned for his friends to get in.

At the simple wave of John B's hand, the Pogues stood up, making their way towards the beat-up vehicle. "Let's ride. "JJ simply said as he blew smoke into the air, keeping his vape in his mouth as he pulled his cargo shorts up while walking.

Pope sighed, "This better be good."

Once they all clamored into the van, Blue spoke to her brother from where she sat in her designated seat in the back. "What the fuck happened to you?" She asked as she locked eyes with him in the review mirror, his black eye from the Boneyard fight still purple and blue.

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