17, welcome back to reality

Start from the beginning

"yes!" Cleo jumped and cheered. "we did it!"

"We fucking did it!" AJ let out, the girl leaping into Pope's arms as they celebrated. His arms caught her immediately, holding the girl close.

"we did it" Cleo wrapped her arms around the already hugging pair.

"holy shit, we actually did it" Pope finally let go of AJ and the blonde girl noticed Cleo was holding onto her shoes. She thanked her and slipped the beat-up Converse before running down the hill, over to the pond where the plane was landing.

The plane was small, The Flying Fish painted in blue letters on the side of it. "hello hello" John B greeted as a man stepped out of the plane.

"Hey there" He replied, taking a look at the group.

"Hey! We're finally getting out of here. we're finally getting out of here!" Pope cheered as he wrapped his arm around AJ again.

"Well, what do we got here?" AJ turned at the noise behind her and found JJ looking ahead disappointed. She looked back to Pope before moving over to the blonde boy.

"we're saved" The lack of excitement in her voice resonated with JJ.

"yippy" JJ stared forward, disappointment didn't even cover it. Sarah's presence didn't surprise AJ, the three had nothing to go back to. And facing the real world for Sarah and AJ meant facing their families.

As the man talked a feeling settled in AJ's stomach. "we're in the middle of nowhere" Her words could only be heard by JJ and Sarah. "how the hell did this dude find us?"

"I have a bad feeling about this. It screams Ward" Sarah agreed, sharing a look with AJ. The three blondes all having uneasy feelings about the entire situation.

"Well, have no fear. Jimmy's here. I got ya" The man announced, bringing AJ back to the current moment. The moment where they were being saved.

"Well, all hail Jimmy guys! Lets go" Cleo let out.

"Welcome aboard 'The Flying Fish'. I'm Jimmy Portis. I'll be your captain today. Is this all? Seven of you?"

"Uh yeah, that too heavy?" John B asked, looking between the pogues.

"Nah. Uh, technically maybe but I think old fish here'll probably be okay. We could always throw somebody overboard, right?" He laughed but nothing stopped the bad feeling from rising in AJ's body as Cleo and the others started to get into the plane.

"You're the dog man" Pope shook his head as he got in.

"Pleasure to have you" Jimmy welcomed them in. When AJ and JJ slowed before the steps they shared a look, neither wanted to break it but JJ did first as he got into the plane. The two taking spots closer to the front.

"we're actually saved" Pope's happy voice brought comfort back to AJ. She gave him a small smile as she sat down.

"yeah, just tuck on it. Let's uh, get this shit going" Jimmy announced as he took his spot, flipping a few switches and starting the engine.

"So what were you doing all the way out here?" JJ asked, the question weighing heavy on his mind.

"I got a little quite outfit in Saint Vincent. I was spotting fish" He answered, adjusting a few things.

"what were you spotting?"

"You know, the usual. Wahoo" His answer made JJ and John B share a look and even though AJ had no idea about anything related to fishing, the look made the pit of nervousness in her stomach grow.

"I'd hang on to something. Gets a little spicy on takeoff" Jimmy told the pogues. AJ reached up, sharing the same handle as Pope. The pair shared a look and AJ knew he was still more happy than nervous, which ate at AJ. She didn't mean to be a negative person. But facts resonated with her.

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