"Nah.. but I can wish that for Christmas." Kayden spoke up.

"Santa doesn't exist." Natalie said and Kayden quickly looked at the girl who was smiling evilly.

"What? Hope, is she lying to me? Henrik?" Kayden looked over at his cousins who looked away.

Davina looked at her son and shake her head slightly.

"Children, don't destroy my son's dreams." Kol said, looking over at the teenagers, then started laughing himself.

Alaric and Rafael question Cassie and what she remembers about the time before her death - although she is unaware of what happened or that she was dead. She explains that she remembers driving home and then darkness, before hearing a voice telling her to wake up. Alaric tells her that her memories are from two months ago as she died in the car accident, but has been resurrected from the dead.

After speaking with Dorian, Hope goes to speak with Necromancer.

"You have a powerful scent of death on you." Necromancer smiled.

"It's a legacy." Henrik whispered and when he felt Klaus' gaze, he blew his uncle an air kiss, making the man roll his eyes in amusement.


"It's quite lovely, really."

"I thought maybe we could talk." asked Hope as she opened his handcuffs with magic.

"Hope dear, do you have to stand up to all the monsters?" Hayley asked, taking a deep breath as her daughter looked away.

Alexander shook his head, it hasn't been long since he meet Hope and he already knew how Hope was, that she wasn't the one to back down and was ready to carry anyones burden on her shoulders without any complain.

he found it ridiculous how everyone was just okay with it and a feeling of protection started to sparkle in his heart.

"Such a puny creature dares to dalliance with The Almighty Necromancer?"

Meredith furrowed her brows and look away, feeling uncomfortable at the sight of the man.

She rolled her eyes when she saw her best friend, Hades snickering lowly in the corner at her.

"Well, here's the thing about that. You don't exist."

The Necromancer laughs at the idea

"I won't fall for your mind games."

" This isn't a game. Let me lay it out for you. You died, you were in a dark place for what felt like an eternity, until suddenly, you were pulled into the light with a singular, inexplicable mission to retrieve a Knife." explained Hope as she got closer to the cell.

"Do continue."

"It's been the same with all the creatures that came before you. A dragon, a gargoyle, an Arachne, a dryad."

"Bah. Such creatures exist only in fiction."

The audience raised an eyebrow.

"Just like you." Damon said.

"No. They've been erased from history, and so have you." Hope

"That's preposterous. I'm world-renowned. People tremble at the sound of my name."

The people in the hall looked at Klaus. Klaus raised an eyebrow when he felt their gaze.


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