The half ceremony part 2

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Then the lady continued the story
My husband was having second ship today of his duty,he was in a rush. I was preparing for his lunch meanwhile my daughter was drawing a family potrait. When I was seeing him off and he opened the door a zombie jumped on him .
I was very frightened after seeing that, for a moment I was blank but I just carry Sima and run towards the bedroom and locked the door . Although I knew that they will be here soon . So I seeked through the window no one was there on the way. I carried Sima on my back and run away through the window. Luckily we were at the ground floor . I keep running and something stuck on my slipper so I stopped.
Then I saw a zombie walking towards us ,but it was a bit far so I got a chance to run. So I looked forward and start running. After few minutes I can see no one near me,so I stopped because I was worn out.Sima was scared and she started crying, I was afraid that they hear her it would be the end but after few minutes I saw you and asked for a lift.

   Ohh my!" You was so lucky"Dhruv said. "So what to do next?" I asked.Sima's mom said "I guess we should sleep now it's late", and she thanked us for saving them ,she said  " I don't know what will happen,but for now I can survive because of you. I said "it's ok,at that time I don't even know,my uncle saved you.After some chat we went to sleep.

  So at that time no one dares to sleep alone everyone was scared to death,so we managed to sleep in the living room. At that time no one can sleep peacefully,but we have to do something on next day,so that's why everyone was asleep but I really can't.

  I was thinking that how is this even possible,I mean how can a zombie even exist in real life.And the most important thing that there was no network we can't see anything. While thinking all this I don't know when did I fell asleep

  When I opened my eyes everyone was already awake and they looked tensed, I asked them but they were starring outside. When I look out,what the hell was that, it was still dark outside. It was passed eight in the morning how can it be still dark. Something was really wrong.

  After a while Sima was playing with my old toys and her mom was cooking something while me and my brother was sitting together. Suddenly we hear Sima crying,her mom off the flame of the gas and run towards her while we both followed her. And the reason why she was crying because she broke the toy, we was at relief. Her mom carried her and Dhruv gave her another toy.

   We was having nothing to do but suddenly we hear a ringback tone, it was my phone,Dhruv said "Our phone wasn't working, right?""Yes" I replied. The phone ring again. I pick it up and put the call on speaker. Some one said "Where are you brainless" Dhruv shrilled and said "Mom!!" She replied," 'Yes' where are you?" I replied "At home". Then she said "Then bring my phone to the wedding."He said "But it is dengerous outside."what are you talking about come fast. She replied Dhruv said"ye..y..yes". She  replied"Hmm,come on quick,quick."And she hang the phone.

    The lady said "You both can go we will wait here",What are you talking about how are we supposed to go out,that walking dead will infect us also",I replied.She hugged both of us and said "just go trust me".

  We changed the clothes, Dhruv took the phone and put in his pocket he held my hand,before leaving Sima and her mother both thank us had said good bye to us. It was a bit heard to understand but still. After that my brother took me out. We were shocked the road was really cleared, we keep walking. A little ahead we got an auto and we took a ride to the wedding hall. I was worried about them then Dhruv pat my head and said don't worry atleast we know that we can trust them. We reached. And we was shocked everything was normal and everyone was attending the ceremony,then we saw mom coming towards us and took her phone back and she said " where were you,you took an hour just to bring a phone and not even pick up my calls". We tried to tell her everything but obviously she did not believe and said "you went to bring phone or to watch a movie.

  Our friend was also at her home she never came to attend a wedding with us.

  And then our cousins said where were you we were waiting for you why you left the half ceremony. We all moved to the stage.

  After the wedding we went to home everything was normal the lady and the kid was also not there. Dhruv said that "I guess it was a dream". I replied "Same to both?" It can be, right? There was a silence for a while. Dhruv keep staring at something. "What" I said. He hold me hand and took me to the bedroom. He pick up a broken toy, I was shocked it took it into my hand and said " isn't it the toy which Sima broke?" He was really confusing that it was real or a dream.

  A month passed few days after the incident we got to know that Ria experienced that she turned into a walking dead. Today we told her everything that we saw. She said "is it just an illusion or something?". "Who knows". Dhruv replied. I said "Maybe Sima or her mom".

  We were tensed and started at each other. We feel terrified and creepy from very depth of our heart.

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THE HALF CEREMONY part 2Where stories live. Discover now