Part 1

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Spyglass Tavern was filled with people from wall to wall, with barely enough room to walk through. The chatter, laughter, clinking of glasses, and the music coming from the piano echoed off every corner of the room making it difficult to even hear yourself think. The air was thick with the scent of food, alcohol, and body odor. Pirates were sitting elbow to elbow at the tables, with some even standing near the bar, eagerly waiting to place their orders. It was a lively and bustling atmosphere, with plenty of energy and excitement in the air.

Philip was carefully examining his surroundings, while also trying to pass from the little space that was between one table from another. He had in mind how Black dog described Silver; A man with black hair and a missing leg.

As he was trying to pass from between the tables,he accidentally tripped, but he managed to quickly grab the top of the chair so that he wouldn't fall.

This caused the pirate who was sitting there to get up and become angry. "Watch where you’re going, boy!" he growled at Philip.

"I’m sorry," Philip said as he stumbled to his feet. "That your chair was in the way."

"You dare talk back to me, boy?" the pirate scowled at him, his voice rising. He then grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the wall.

Philip tried to diffuse the situation. "I... apologize. I’ll be more careful next time.Now, if you don't mind, I'm in the middle of doing something, so can you let me down?"

The pirate dropped him at the ground as he  noticed a bag fall from Philip's hand and reached for it. "What do you have in here?"

Philip pulled the bag away, not wanting the pirate to take it. "It's just my things."

But the pirate was persistent. "Let me see."

The man grabbed the bag and looked inside. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw his lost harmonica. "Where did you get this?" he demanded.

Philip's heart sank. "I found it lying around," he lied.

The pirate saw right through him. "You stole it, didn't you?" he growled, his face turning red with anger.

Philip was desperate to get away. "No, I swear! I had no idea it belonged to anyone."

The pirate wasn't buying it. He snorted in disbelief. "Do you expect me to believe that?" he spat. "You're nothing but a thief!"He said angrily, while taking his pocket knife out

Philip was shaking in fear while the pirate advanced on him. His heart pounded in his chest as he realized there was nowhere to run.

"I didn't steal your harmonica!" he cried out, holding up his hands in a defensive gesture.
"Save your breath, boy," the pirate snarled. "I saw you take it. And now, you're going to pay for what you've done."

The knife glinted menacingly in the dim light of the tavern as the pirate stepped closer. Philip's heart raced faster as he wondered if this was the end.

Just then, a hand reached out and grabbed the pirate's wrist.

It was Silver.

"What's going on here?" Silver asked, fixing the pirate with a stern glare.

"He stole from me!" the pirate growled, pointing an accusing finger at Philip.

But Silver wasn't so easily convinced.Still, he looked at the boy, lying at the floor "Is that true?" Silver asked Philip.

Philip shook his head. "No, sir."

"I suggest you leave the lad alone," Silver growled, his deep voice sending chills down the pirate's spine.

The pirate tried to jerk his hand back, but Silver's grip was too strong.

Silver furrowed his brow and, eyeing the pirate suspiciously,he spoke again "I don't believe it's yours," he said bluntly.

The pirate's eyes narrowed dangerously. He dropped the knife he held on the ground and tried to reach for the harmonica with his other hand, but Philip clutched it tightly to his chest and stepped back. "It is mine, Silver! " the pirate growled. "I carved my initials into it myself."

Indeed, upon closer inspection, the tavern owner could see the familiar initials etched into the metal.Silver stared back at him, seemingly unmoved. "Well, even if it is yours, I don't see why it matters so much," he said dismissively. "Just get a new one."

The pirate's face twisted with anger. "It matters because I made it myself! ," he replied bitterly. "Every time I play it, I can remember the way the ocean sounded and how the breeze felt on my face. It's more than just a simple instrument to me."

"I don't want to hear any more of your sob stories." Silver interrupted him, still having  his grip on the pirate's hand "You have caused enough trouble in my tavern already. What makes you think that whining like a dog about a damn harmonica will change my opinion about you?"

"You're a fool if you go against me," he spat.

"Talk about the pot calling the kettle black." Silver replied, tightening his grip a little.

The pirate hesitated for a moment longer, then pulled his wrist free and retreated with a final glare at Philip and Silver.He then grumbled something under his breath, but didn't make any further move to attack.

"If you want the damned thing, have it then!" He angrily slammed  the instrument in the empty table next to them.
He sneered at Silver, but eventually turned and stomped off, muttering curses.

"You alright, lad?" Silver asked, turning to Philip.

Philip nodded, still feeling the adrenaline from the encounter coursing through his veins.

"Thank you, sir. "

"No problem," Silver said with a smile. In fact," Silver alighted his pipe "I really despised that guy. Ever since his first visit at my tavern, I was waiting for the right opportunity to just finish him off! We both got what we wanted. You got your harmonica. And I got that bastard out of my tavern.Luck smiled on us both. And also. Just call me Silver from now on. No need for good manners." Silver smiled at Arrow

Arrow smiled back at him

"Now, what can I do for you?"

Philip explained the situation to Silver, and he agreed to join in.

"Do you need a drink?"

Philip thought for a moment. "Sure thing."


Silver smoked his pipe as Philip drank a sip from his rum bottle.
"Wow! You have a parrot! Can he talk?" The boy said, curiously.

Silver smiled, affectionately petting the red parrot"Yes.About time you met Captain! He belonged to Flint, you know? And when he dropped dead," Silver smoked from his pipe
"I got him."

"Flint must have trusted you a whole awful lot to give you his parrot."
"Ofcourse. Say, you wouldn't happen to be from around these parts would you, Arrow?"
"Arrow? I don't understand why would you choose such a name for me? " Philip asked confused.

"The name Arrow is fitting, as you are swift and precise, just like an arrow."explained Silver.

"Arrows must be carefully aimed and shot with great accuracy," he continued
"And I'll teach you how to display these qualities in your abilities. "

Philip is touched by the nickname and embraces it, feeling that it represents a deeper connection between himself and Long John Silver.

Arrow meets Silver [treasure Island 1988 Oc Fanfic] Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat