Part 2.

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Silver and Arrow both got up from the table they were sitting.
"Lead the way." Silver said to Arrow in a rather calm tone.
"Yeah, you know what's funny? I don't actually know where they're sitting." Arrow smiled nervously

Silver paused for a moment "What do you mean?"

"Well," said Arrow "I'm still new to the crew myself. I haven't really had the chance to get to know everyone."

"Oh, I see." replied Silver "Well, do you know anyone who might know where they are?"

"Hmm, let me think...Nope."

"It's alright.To tell you the truth, I don't know the names of most of the crew, either.."

*Meanwhile at the table where the other pirates were sitting*
"I'm sick of waiting. Where's that Silver guy?I'm gonna plant a bullet in his head if he don't tell me where the treasure is! "Jones said angrily
"Where did you even got that gun?" asked Israel Hands

"It's from Benbow earlier.I found it inside a drawer with some empty rum bottles."

Black dog took the gun from Jone's hand and looked at it

"I bet it's not even loaded!We were supposed to find the map, not take useless stuff from drawers!! And to think that you called ME a douchebag for stealing food from the kitchen !"Israel hands said annoyed.

"You really want to find out if it's loaded or not?!" replied Jones angrily, aggressively taking the gun from Black dog's hand pointing it at Hands
"Oh,but,calm down, technically we're all thieves!.."Hands said nervously


Silver scanned the room, his eyes darting back and forth as he tried to spot anyone he recognized. "This is ridiculous," he muttered under his breath.

Arrow nodded in agreement. "But, dude, you have been in the crew WAY longer than I have. Don't you, like,remember anybody?"
Silver looked at Arrow for a second, then looked again around, in a second attempt to spot anyone he might recognize.

"I just want to find the rest of these bastards and get out of here," Silver said, frustration lacing his voice.

"Same," Arrow replied, taking a sip of his rum. "Maybe we should split up or something?"

Silver hesitated. "Don't know if that's a good idea. We could get into trouble if we're not together. If it wasn't for me, for example, you would be dead right now.That pirate would have turned you into beef"

Arrow rolled his eyes. "We're pirates, dude. Trouble is what we do."

Silver chuckled despite himself. "I like your way of thinking. Alright, fine. Let's go our separate ways and see if we can find anyone.You'll go on the left. I'll go on the right."
"Got it."

They agreed on a spot to meet back up and went their separate ways. Silver weaved his way through the crowded tavern, his eyes constantly scanning the faces around him. He had almost given up hope when he spotted a familiar face at the bar.

"Hey, there you are!" he exclaimed, making his way over to his crewmate.

The other pirate turned around, a grin spreading across his face.
"Ey! Long time no see! Haha, get it? See what I did there?"
".. We're looking for the rest of the crew," Silver explained, relieved to have found someone.

The pirate nodded, taking a swig of his drink. "They're over in the back corner,nearby the stairs. Come on, I'll take you to them."

Silver and the other pirate made their way over to the corner, where the group of their fellow crewmates were huddled around a table. "Hey fellas! Who missed me?" Silver called out, grinning.

Arrow meets Silver [treasure Island 1988 Oc Fanfic] Where stories live. Discover now