Chapter 6: Dead Man's Hill

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Turn at the old house." Springtrap snapped, now sitting on the wriggling and shouting object. .... That wasn't an animal. That was a person! "N-No!" You cried, slamming on the brakes and forcing the people behind you to swerve around you. Honks and angry shouts ensued. You had to pull over and threw it in park. "Springtrap, you cannot expect me to help you with this! I got your stuff, now let this poor person g....." Your starting lecture stopped as you realized he was glowering at you. You had never seen this look on his face before and you were sure you did not like it. For the first time since you had met him, he seemed a little rude, yes. But flat out dangerous? No. He was certainly scary though. You handed that to him. But this look in his eyes, the scowl on his face, the way he sat, barely an inch away the ceiling of your car. You suddenly realized the danger you were in. Gulping, you turned back and faced the road. "... Where do I turn?" You asked, voice shaking heavily now. He narrowed his eyes slowly, keeping eye contact through the rearview mirror. "There." He said, his tone cold. There was no humor, no sarcasm. This was the monster underneath. This is how you would die. Being glared to death by this rabbit... Creature... Thing. No. Monster. You shifted your eyes away and he went back to his captive who was struggling more than ever now. You turned where he told you and were met with a very long and very dark forest. The forest was split in the middle, forming a path. You followed it slowly and turned off your extra lights on the outside of the car to avoid any unwanted attention. The figure was wearing themselves out. You could hear it. Guilt racked you. What had you done? You thought about stopping and forcing Springtrap out. But with his behavior, you could not think of how you would protect yourself. Finally after about 2 minutes of driving up the rocky driveway, you stared in horror at the sight before you. A huge house with a wrap around porch sat alone in the midst of lush forest. It was neglected and sad looking. The roof was caving in, and the shutters hanging off the sides of the house. You parked in the driveway and turned the car off. Springtrap ignored you while he opened the trunk, (somehow from the inside.), and grabbed his hostage. "W-Wait, for me!" You cried, leaping out and following him. "Grab the gas cans." He said in a low tone. You snatched them up. You were able to get a better look at the hostage. A rather scruffy looking man with graying hair and a full beard was gagged and bound in the back of your car. His eyes were filled with, surprisingly, anger. He let out muffled shouts and trying to form words. He wriggled harder as a huge shadow was cast over you. You started to scream but a furry hand was slapped on your mouth. "Hush, pet. It's only me." He said, sounding... Gentle...? He grabbed the man and slung him over his shoulder, the man grunting in pain as his head landed on Springtrap's broad shoulder blades. Ouch. That's gotta hurt, I mean, Springtrap is made of metal. You flashed a sympathetic glance. He returned your look with an angry shout and kicking at Springtrap's face and snout. Springtrap, looking rather annoyed, grabbed his ankles in one paw and held them, trudging up to the door and pushing it open with his shoulder. You followed, nervously. "What are we doing here?" You asked, softly. "You'll see." He replied, keeping himself turned away from you. He kept switching rooms, as if he couldn't decide where he wanted to go. Finally, he dragged himself down the stairs. It was pitch black, and the only light was Springtrap's ghostly eyes shining as he kept them on you when he reached the bottom. "Well?" He said, prompting you. "... Coming." You took one step and yelped as the stair broke under you. Okay, so Springtrap, who weighs at least fifty million pounds can walk down these with no problem, but as soon as you step down, it breaks? Rude. You cursed at the house, muttering how it was being selective and it groaned in response. You hopped down the stairs one a time, being careful. A few other stairs broke under you, and you looked at Springtrap desperately. He sighed deeply and set his hostage down and placed his huge foot on him so the old man wouldn't run away. "Do I really have to do everything for you?" He asked you in a mocking tone. "Just.. Help me!" You snapped, setting the gas cans in his outreached hands. He set them down next to the old man. "Come on. Jump." "Are you crazy?! Its 8 more stairs! I'll never make it!" You shrieked, clinging to the railing. "What are you, 5? Come on. Don't make me come up there." He threatened. "Promise you'll catch me!" You pleaded. He rolled his eyes deeply and sighed, like an exhausted dad dealing with a child on the monkey bars. "Yes, Y/N. I promise to catch you. Come to Daddy!" He sneered. Rage fueled you and you leapt into his arms and punched his chest. He caught you and your heart fluttered wildly. Your stomach was light as he held you and you looked into his terrifying eyes. But... They weren't so scary now. Those eyes had grown to be a comfort to see. What the Hell? "Put me down!" You pounded on his chest and he let you fall to the ground. "Oops." You kicked his leg and used his right hip to yank yourself up, grabbing a fistful of fur. What. Was that? You were absolutely horrified by the thought of being touched by him. The fact you relied on him, you trusted him to catch you and he did... What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck.... In your absolute disgust, you had not realized Springtrap and his hostage had become one with the darkness. "S-Springtrap?" You called, nervous. He could be anywhere. You knew how he was, sneaky and all that. Fucking asshole was probably waiting for you to trip or fall through the floor again so he could play hero. "Where are you?" You squinted. Light...? Oh he was gonna get it when you found him. You stormed towards the light, getting ready to lecture him. 

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