Aemond inhales sharply as Valaena presses up against him, their hips pressed firmly together.

Valaena laughs bitterly, "Perhaps I should ask Daemon to join us tonight."

Aemond glares at her silently, his pulse pounding in his ears.

Valaena smirks before reaching forward and pulling him into a bruising kiss. She bit at his lip, dragging it between her teeth, drawing blood, as she pulled away Aemond stumbled forward slightly after her.

Valaena releases his throat and grips his hair firmly, Aemond groans before she releases him completely, walking towards their chamber with him following her.

Closing their door behind them, Valaena turns, raising up slightly to kiss right under his eye patch before taking it off.  She caresses Aemond's face, admiring the sapphire in his eye before reaching up and taking the tie out of his hair. His long silver hair falls around his shoulders as she smiles and turns to pour herself a glass of wine, turning to sit in the chair by the fire before smirking at Aemond.

"Take off your clothes."

Aemond held her gaze as he unclasped his tunic, dropping it to the floor. He reached for his trousers next, unlacing and pushing them down along with his small clothes, kicking them aside along with his leather boots, his eye never leaving Valaena.

Valaena rose, coming over to Aemond and playing with a strand of his hair.

"Are you sure you don't want me to call for Daemon?" She asked, teasing him.

Aemond growled, reaching a hand into Valaena's hair and tugged, bringing their mouths together in a harsh kiss, turning and pushing her up against the stone wall as she wrapped her arms around his neck, tugging at his hair.

Aemond's hands gripped her waist sharply, reaching for her dagger and cutting through the bodice of her gown.

Their mouths parted as Valaena looked down at the dark green dress that almost looked black before glaring up at Aemond.

"I loved that dress."

"I'll get you another one." He said breathlessly, leading her towards their large bed.


When she is almost to her chambers, someone grabs her wrist and pulls her into one of the secret passageways.

Aegon wraps one arm around her waist, steading her, and rests his forehead against hers, his breath coming fast and harsh.

"What do you think you're doing?"

A dozen quips came to mind, each crueler than the one before, but Aegon only shrugged.

"I dreamed of you," he said. "Come away with me and we can be away from it all."

"My children's lives are in Winterfell. My place is with them." Viserra hisses, glaring at him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" His voice is raw, choked. He hates her for making him feel weak, hates how much he loves her. "I would have fought them... we could have run away forever."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I hear whispers that Harlan's hair is dyed." He says looking up at Viserra. "His eyes, the same violet as a Targaryen's... as mine."

The look in her eyes turns murderous as she shoves him away from her. "You would add my son to your bastards of the Street of Silk? All my life my birth has been questioned along with my brothers and the princess Rhaenyra's sons. Just then at dinner you joined in on the taunting." Viserra snapped, coming closer to Aegon. "I will not let you nor anyone else do the same to my son. He is a Stark and one day the Lord of Winterfell."

Of the Blood of the DragonWhere stories live. Discover now