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"You're inlove with her aren't you?" I spoke in a low voice.


"There's no point in lying. Be honest." I cut him off knowing he'd probably lie to me again if I didn't.

"Yes. I am."

My hold tightened on the glass in my hand. I looked up to meet his eyes. Ah. He feels bad. Those eyes that used to look at me with love now looked at me with guilt. It's clear he fell out of love. I don't know when and how, I don't want to know. But... why? Why did you fall out of love? Why didn't you tell me you lost feelings? Why her? Why did you choose to hurt me instead? How could you? A million questions swarmed my head. But only one word came out of all the things I had wanted to say and ask. "Why?"

"I-I don't know."

I nod. Tears gathered in my eyes but I refused to let them fall. Not in public.

"Okay. Let's... end things here." I stood up from my chair ready to leave the restaurant.

"Nari-ah. I'm sorry."

I turned around to look at him. "It's no use. What's done is done."

I left the restaurant at once. I only had one thing on my mind as I drove back to my house while tears fell from my eyes.

I'm leaving Korea.

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