Chapter 97-98

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Chapter 97 - Grain and seed.

Hei Zhuang knew that Jiang Zhen's current goal was to develop herself and would not be willing to expand the battlefield, but out of her desire for combat skills, she still wrote a memorial to Duyi.

"The national letter of the four countries for peace has arrived, but Hei Zhuang still wants to conquer Zheng and Qi. What do you think of Ah Zhen?" As Jiang Wang spoke, he handed the peace letter of the four countries to Jiang Zhen, and then rubbed his eyebrows with a headache. "I'm afraid we're going to quarrel again in the early morning today."

"Jiang's primary purpose now is to build roads and control water. There is no need to fight this battle." Jiang Zhen's expression was calm.

"Many ministers in the court have never seen the power of cannons, but they have great confidence in you." When King Jiang said this, he also felt a little funny and a little angry. "You didn't change the grain in Lanhe County out of thin air. It took you more than two years to save it. They really think your granary is a bottomless hole."

He has been King Jiang for so many years, and he can't convince the courtiers wholeheartedly, but Jiang Zhen is just a daughter for a year, and he can say the same thing, which really makes him envious.

Everyone was blindly confident in her, but Jiang Zhen was more and more cautious in doing things. He said, "You don't have to fight. However, the State of Song suffered a great loss this time. More than 100,000 people were captured, but the three countries of Wei Zhengqi hid behind and must be taught a lesson. Before the peace talks, let the black strong be scared.

The failure of the army of the four countries has made people all over the world have a consensus. Jiang's strength is the best of the five powerful countries, and it is no problem to beat the other four countries.

If Jiang Guo fights against a country alone, his chance of winning is 80%.

[Everyone is saying that Jiang is powerful, but why does no one associate with the unification of the world? The people of Jiang can't even brag.]

[The era of many countries has lasted for a long time, and the people will feel that the world should be like this. They want to change their perception unless they wait for Aqi to unify the world.]

[Realistically, Jiang Guo does not have the capital to annex the four countries now. If he swallows it, he will only choke himself to death, so it is normal for everyone not to think about this aspect.]

[These big countries, whose ancestors have never been rich, I guess everyone feels that when Ah Zhen is here, Jiang is powerful. When Ah Zhen is gone, Jiang will also follow the old path.]

[Normal development is ups and downs, but our A Zhen can only rise and never fall.]

In the early morning, Jiang Zhen directly relaxed his mind and listened to the quarrel between the main war faction and the main peace faction. After they finished the quarrel, he slowly stood up and said, "General Hei Zhuang is right. Zheng and Qi are not sincere in seeking peace. When making peace talks, if it is still like this, even if we borrow the way from the State of Song, we will have to talk to fight with Zheng Qi. The two countries fought a war.

The sincerity of Jiang Zhen's request is very simple, grain, horses, protons...

Anyway, Jiang Guo is in the upper hand now. She can make any request. If she really can't make a deal, it's not that she can't bring a cannon to the door.

The request is about Jiang Zhen and Jiang Wang. As for how to talk about it, it's the business of the officials.

In order to deter the four countries, the soldiers of Dafeng County were still stationed there during the peace talks. The captured four prisoners of war were all sent to Chen Dong to the river to clean up the silting sand.

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