prelude ! sign of the times

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HARRY  POTTERact one - pre-movies▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

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act one - pre-movies

regulus black had been a wizard all his life. he was used to the unimaginable things that muggles told stories about. he grew up with magic all around him to the point where he wasn't surprised very often.

so to say regulus was surprised when a glowing golden note appeared out of the sky and landed in front of him, well that would be an exaggeration because like i said regulus black didn't get surprised often.

with a simple eyebrow raise, regulus grabbed the strange note -after checking it for curses- and opened it, ignoring the fact that, unlike him, the rest of the great hall were surprised by the golden paper and turned quiet; awaiting for an explanation.

after he had read the note regulus simply put the note into his jacket pocket and continued to eat his breakfast. the rest of the hall grew confused and somewhat frustrated with the unexplained note and the lack of emotion on the youngest black's face.

just as evan rosier, one of regulus' closest friends, went to open his mouth and ask the question everyone wanted to know, a bright light overtook the hall and caused everyone to shield their eyes from the piercing glow.

opening her eyes, eden winslow is the first to see what made the disturbance -or rather who for that matter.

there stood a group of what looked to be late teens and two younger children all looking around in awe and disbelief.

a boy stood front and centre of the group, he looked to be the unofficial leader. he had deep black hair and green eyes that were shielded by round-shaped glasses, he resembled james so much eden almost had to look twice.

his face was littered with small scars, the most prominent scar in the shape of a lightning bolt, though it was more faded than the others it was still the most noticeable one.

he, unlike the others in the group, seemed to be more anxious -as though he had a weight on his shoulders that seemed to lift slightly when he looked around the hall.

the two obviously younger ones seemed to catch eden eye next. there was a boy who couldn't be older than twelve standing tiredly next to the older lightning bolt boy.

he had messy blonde hair that eden was sure needed a brush through, his eyes were a dazzling grey that only one family seemed to have. his skin was covered in small flattering freckles that made his boyish features more gentle and a long scar made itself a home along his jawline.

holding the hand of the freckled boy was a little girl around six with matching tired grey eyes that made eden believe they were siblings.

her blonde hair, which appeared slightly darker than her brothers? was pulled into two ponytails and her skin, unlike the previous boys, was clean of scars and only had what appeared to be a cupcake band-aid on her forehead. she seemed sad and somewhat scared as she hid behind the twelve-year-olds? leg.

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