Chapter 4

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One night, Everly was tossing and turning in her sleep as she had a nightmare. She was dreaming about the fire and how it was her fault. She had been baking when something had caught fire.

In the King and Queen's chambers, they were woken by a light knocking on their door.

"Come in." Roland responded with a confused tone. A maid walked in. "What is it?" Roland asked.

"My apologies for waking you, your Majesties." The maid. "But, I'd figured to inform you that there seems to be commotion going on in Princess Everly's room."

"Thank you for letting me know." Roland said. "I'll handle it." The maid nodded and left.

"Is she awake or something?" Miranda asked. "Is an intruder in her room?"

"I don't know. She's not usually one to cause trouble." Roland said. "But, I'll find out."

Miranda nodded.

Roland quickly headed to Everly's room. "Everly?" He called, knocking on the door. There was no answer. Roland walked into the room to see Everly tossing and turning and talking in her sleep. "Everly." He said, gently waking her up. "Wake up."

Everly jolted awake, in a panic.

"Woah, hey. You're okay." Roland said, calming her down.

"What's going on?" Everly asked.

"It looked like you were having a bad dream." Roland replied. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"It was of the fire." Everly answered. "And how I had caused it."

"What are you talking about, Everly?" Roland asked.

"I was baking when something caught on fire." Everly explained. "I caused the fire and I'm the reason that Dad died."

"Oh Everly." Roland said.

"I killed Dad." Everly said through sobs.

"Shh, it's alright." Roland assured her as he comforted her. "Everly, look at me."

Everly looked up at her uncle.

"What happened was just an accident." Roland said. "Even if it was from you baking, you certainly didn't mean for it to happen. And you did not kill your father, alright?"

Everly nodded through tears.

"Do you want some tea?" Roland asked.

Everly nodded, again.

"I'll be right back, then." Roland said as he stood up.

"Please, don't leave!" Everly said.

Roland stopped for a moment. "Let me just let a maid know." He said. "Peppermint, right?" "Yes." Everly replied.

Roland stepped out of the room to look for a maid. They usually had a few maids around during the night. He told a maid to make some peppermint tea.

A few minutes later, Everly had her tea and was sipping it.

"I'm truly sorry about what happened, Evie." Roland said.

Everly couldn't help smiling at her uncle's special nickname for her. She only allowed her uncle and father to call her that

"There's that smile I love so much." Roland said.

Everly laughed.

"I know this isn't easy for you to go through." Roland said. "I'm always here if you ever need or want to talk."

"Thank you, Uncle Roland." Everly said.

"I love you so much, Everly." Roland said as he kissed her on the top of the head.

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