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(Edited)(Third person) (a few weeks later)
The morning before school started jj had a fight with his father because he didn't enroll Ella in school or Atleast at a daycare to go to while jj was at school so jj now has to take Ella to school with him

It's the morning of school being back and jj was getting done and soon saw Ella was waking up

"Hey princess time to get up" jj said quietly

"Okay" Ella said tiredly

Ella slowly got up "wanna choose an outfit to wear today?" Jj asked

"Yes!" Ella said walking over to her drawer and picked out a pair of jeans an pink tshirt that had princesses on it with pink shoes

Jj takes ella in that bathroom to do Ella's hair

"Do you want two pig tails or a pony tail?" Jj asked

"Piggy tails" ella said happily

"Okay pig tails then" jj said

Jj got two rubber bands and did Ella's hair 

Jj grabbed his backpack put some snacks and juice boxes and put some apple juice in Ella's cup and put it all in his back pack for ella to have to keep her distracted jj made sure to charge his phone so ella had some games and something to watch

Ella was eating a banana as they got in John bs van jj had ella on his lap cause she didn't have a car seat for her

They got to school jj got stared at as he carried his sister into the principles office

"Hey sir can I talk to you" jj asked setting ella on a chair

"Sure what's up jj" the principle said

"Can I keep my sister in school with me? My dad never enrolled her in a daycare and I'm young to do it I promise she's a good kid she will not do anything" jj asked

"I don't know mr.maybank she's a child" the principle said

"Please sir she has no where to go are moms gone out of country my dads at work please" jj begged

"Fine but she better behave" the principle agreed

"Thank you sir" jj said picking up Ella and walking out and going to his first class

Jj walked into his first class and got stared at walking in with his sister

"Mr.maybank ur late" the teacher says "you can sit at the back of the class and is this little lady gonna sit with you?"

"Yes she's a good kid she will be good" jj says

"Okay then go on" the teacher said

Jj walked to his seat and place Ella on the floor next to him and gave her his phone with the volume down so she doesn't make noise and opeaned a granola bar and handed it to her

She took it and smiled she looked over and seen that a girl was looking at her

Ella looked at her and raised the granola bar up asking if she wanted some

The girl rolled her eyes and looked forward Ella looked at jj confused the girl looks back and jj flipped her off 

Ella smiled sweetly jj smiled back and went to pay attention to the class

30 minutes later it was only half way through the class Ella tugged on jjs shirt

Jj looked down to Ella

"I'm tired" Ella said quietly

Jj picked her up and put her on his lap she snuggled into his chest and fell asleep

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