Chapter 7

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We then walked out of the cabin.I was shaking with fear but I stayed calm. The officer then said. "Hey it's okay... Here hold this box and I want you to start walking around with it. It should lure the Deer Man. " I slowly nodded my head and I spoke with slight fear "okay... I'm going... " I then felt something.. It was courage I finally felt brave! "let's kill this thing once and for all!" I said with a smile. "Glad to hear! Now go! I will follow you from a far..." I started to walk.. I walked with no fear. I was determined! I kept walking then I heard him. The Deer Man....I started to walk a bit slower to see if he would come out. I hen raised the box over my head and I yelled "COME OUT! NOW! TODAY IS WHEN YOU WILL DIE!" I felt so proud and brave for yelling at the Deer Man.. Then I froze he was right there... In my face.. He then spoke with a low cold voice... "Are you sure I will die?" I shivered a little then I smirked at him. "Yeah! You will! This box will store you cold heart!" I said proudly.. He spoke again but he laughed as he spoke "Sure... You are just a weak mortal.. You can't kill me.. Nobody can" He stared into my eyes... That's when the officer stabbed his heart from the back! I gasped a little and I stepped back.. The Deer Man let out a shrike a loud long shrike "YoU IDiOtS NoOoOoo" then the Deer Man fell with a loud thud... He was dead... Finally over! "YES WE DID IT" I yelled with pride "It's not yet! Hand me the box! Now!!" The officer said "here!! Take it!" I said and I handed him the box. I smiled with pride "Now hold this sword" he said "Okay!" He handed over the sword to me. It was heavy but it made me feel proud of myself!

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