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Here is all the information about the book: Cruel Shifterverse  #1 Psycho Shifters, Jasmine Mas

Just remember this is not my book. 

I have lived in this Tavern for my whole life. Me and my two sisters Sadie and Lucinda are my only family. We have a guardian named Dick, but he is no farther figure that is for sure, he whipped Sadie throughout our childhood and made me watched tied down, but the worsted part is, yes, I hated to see my sister hurt but I want her blood more and over the years I have grown use to the never ending hungry. But hey I look a little like my sisters I have White hair but instead of the red eyes they both have I have sky-colored eyes, that the funniest of all I am 5'10 instead of their 5'1/2. Me and Sadie are going through one of those beating I am tie to a chair in chains, yea I broke through those when I was ten. Sadie is cleaning the blood off the floor, when he beats her with his belts and yelling at her. 

"Now you've done made a mess. Clean it up." Dick leaned forward, in her faces. I will say Dick has been getting more aggressed over the years.  "Clean faster!" he yelled and whipped his belt down with beta strength. Yes, he is a beta that was named a Hero, yea the shifter world no one is in their right mind. This has been going on for 20 years. 

"Hit me one more time. See what happens." Sadie said her voice was rough and mangled from years of screaming and abuse.

 "Useless whore!" His beady eyes flashed, and his jowls shook with rage. Dick wasn't the best with his words. I must be sick in the head, but I find it funny how this world works the small the supposedly weak in the world are the strongest I have meet when I have been working here at the Tavern.   

"It's Sadie, not whore." She grabbed the belt mid-swing, and his beady eyes widened in surprise. Wow, way to go sis. I can see it in my sis eyes when she does her thing when she goes blank, she doesn't know that I know she does that, all she emotions leave her, and she becomes a fighting machine. The belt now in the Sadie's hands and they started to the death which was cool to watch because I was tied down in a chair. Then she got it around his neck, and it became real I didn't want him to die because I have one memory of before the abuse started well, I have a few but this one was two days before it started.


Both of my sisters were asleep, and I couldn't, so I walked downstairs to the sound of crying when I found where the sound was coming from Dick he was drink and at the table in our private dining room.

" Dick what's wrong" I asked him and scared him in the process. He waved me over to him and sat me in the chair across from me.

" This world like to take more than anyone thinks it every could and make us do things that you never want to do" he said, and I could tell then and their that he cares about me and my sisters even if he couldn't show it to us. 

" Then we need to hold on to what we can move forward" I said and that was the last time I have ever seen him smile.

Present time

" Stop" I yelled," Stop don't kill him" I yell as loud as I could. 

 "I took you in. I saved you." Dick gasped as he fought for his life.

"No, you beat me." She said, which he did, she is covered in scars but their was always a look in his eyes that made me feel like their was more to it. All of a sudden, the tavern door slammed open. A person stood at the entrance. Both me and my sis was startled by the unexpected noise.

"The oligarchy has received word that a twenty-year-old servant lives at this residence. New orders: all servants will also get tested at the sacred lake," said a deep male voice. It wasn't a question. The snowy wind howled behind the intruder, and heopened his cloak to flash a massive machine gun. Technology didn't work well in the freezingtemperatures without help, which was why the gun glowedblue with fae enchantment that made it work, which is really cool I love fight and weapons their is this old beta a few blocks away that I see and train with when very I can, when my sisters are at the library. Saide released Dick from my stranglehold. Without preamble, the figure threw a warm cloak at Sadie, grabbed her around the neck, and shoved her into the cold, Dick walks over to me and untie me, I hug him as soon as I am let go, I can tell he Is shocked.

" I know their is more to this than any of us see and I just want to say that I remember that night, by the way his body move he knows what night he rubs my back twice then I let go and move to the door, me and Sadie were born in the same year so both of us are a twenty-year-old. We walk behind Sadie and the man in silently as we can in the snow. We walk until we get to the only unfrozen lake the sacred lake was rumor to be enchanted by the fae thousandsof years ago, long before the war to tell us if we were Alpha, Beta, Null, or Omega. 

The cloaked man spoke, his voice low and rough. "Sungod, you bless us. Turn half the lake black for an alpha'sbeast, turn a quarter of the lake purple for a beta'sstrength, and turn the river's edge yellow for an omega'sseed." The man takes out a wicked-lookingknife, slit her arm, and held it over the lake. The blood slowly falls, and I watch it go down holding myself back for attacking it. The lake turned black—every single drop, she is a Alpha I will say I did not see that coming. There were no women alphas. Dick gets this look on his face like he knew it was going to happen and really what to be wrong. Dick grabs her arm andyanks her back. "You've done it now, whore."He dragged her away, but the cloaked man grabbed her arms and tore her out of Dick's clutches. The strange man threw her over his shoulder andsprinted through the thick woods. As he ran, he lifted hisgun and fired shots back at Dick and leave out of sight. 

" Well that weird" I said, Dick looks at where I am looking and see the now red lake. " I think it's my turn right" I said.

" Why do you sound like you care about me" Dick said.

" I have a very good member and I remember a woman with blue eyes and hair light me on fire all the time you don't do that, and you don't have her eyes, not the color or the shape but the emotion in them completed and true hatred in them that hers did" I said. He looks shocked at what I said. I take the knife that the man cut Sadie with and cut myself over the lake and I also get red, but it burns blue like my eyes and the fire that was so warm and loving that my mother burned me with, and this is way I know I am crazy because I not afraid to be hurt or die but to be alone that is what I am afraid of being alone because I know that I will happen like my sister who has a secret I can't die like everyone else but that is a story for another time.

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