Chapter 1

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"Com'on, Kota!" Lily begged, "It's just a pride parade!" "I have more work to do, okay?" the yellow coyote asked the lavender nuisance as if she didn't know. Lily jumped on the table, startling Kota, "Please? I've never been to one before, and neither have you!" Kota looked unsurprised that she'd bring that up, but it's true. "Why do I have to go?" Kota inquired, unhappily. "I dunno, maybe because you're gay and trans? It is culture for LGBT to go to pride parades." Kota averted her eyes from Lily, knowing she has a point. Lily sighed, "If you do come, I will let you bring your blajah." Kota's eyes instantly lit up. Lily knows how much she loves her blajah. Kota had a second to rethink before she decided she would go with them.

"So is Kota coming or not?" The pink hedgehog was starting to speak again, before Kota emerged from her room. "I'm ready," she announced. There were multiple people coming along, such as Sonic, Amy, Shadow, and Sally. Sally and Amy recently came out as dating the week before. Sonic and Shadow had been dating for awhile before now. Kota and Lily aren't dating, yet, but do indeed have a crush on each other. "Sooooo, we're all set?" It was clear Sally was getting restless. Amy grabbed Sally's hand and kissed her cheek as an attempt to calm her.As a result, Sally blushed and pouted, crossing her arms. "Alright, Kota, you have your blajah, I have my frog squishmallow, everyone ready?" Lily asked. Everyone nodded. As they walked out to the car, Kota whispered to Lily, "Lily? Before we go, I need to tell you something. I- " She was interrupted by the motor engine of the car. "Uhm, what were you gonna say, Kota?" Kota looked at her and thought it was too early to tell her. "N-Nevermind, Lily," she said looking away.

When they arrived, there was a somewhat large crowd. Lily looked a bit anxious about the crowd, so Kota started talking to her. They all agreed to split up to go shopping. Kota and Lily ran over to a small shop that had a bisexual and trans flag in the window. Sally and Amy went into a shop with colorful skirts and bracelets. Sonic and Shadow started walking towards a store with pride shirts and jackets. "Hey, Shadow, do you think Kota has been acting weird around Lily and vice versa?" inquired the blue hedgehog. Shadow paused to think, and said, "Yes, they've been acting really weird when someone brings up dating or love, even. I think they might like each other, like, a LOT." "Yeah, they do act a little... 'fruity' around each other." "...Yeah, I guess whatever that means." With Sally and Amy, they were deciding which skirt Amy should get. "Mmmmmm, you should get that one." Sally pointed at the skirt with the bisexual colors. "Yeah! I was thinking that, but which bracelet are you gonna get?" Amy asked sweetly. "I think I'm going to get this one," she picked up a fluffy bracelet with the pansexual colors on it. They checked out and went to the restaurant nextdoor. Lily and Kota were so excited to get pride flags. "Y'know, it's funny," Lily said, grabbing the bisexual flag. "What's funny?" Kota asked, picking out a trans flag. "We're the only people on this trip who are single." Lily said, grabbing a small pride flag. Kota stopped in her tracks, processing what she said. "W-Why do you say?" Lily's eyes went wide at the question. "Well I just- uhm- it was just an... observation." Lily started turning reddish as she went on. "Uhm, what were you going to tell me earlier?" Lily asked, attempting to drop the subject. Kota froze, her heart sinking. "Well, uhm, it's irrelevant now, so-" Lily interrupted Kota, her curious self being uncontrollable, "Yes, but still. What was it?" Kota started getting anxious, "It's really unimportant, so I really don't think-" Lily stared at her, looking concerned, "Kota," she sounded very sincere, "I'm not forcing you, but please, don't be scared of telling me anything." Lily put her hands on Kota's shoulders and smiled in a way no friend would smile, but more like someone who genuinely loves and cares for you. Kota realized that this was the moment. The moment she would never get again. "Lily..." Kota looked into her electric blue eyes, bright as lightning. "I-" Lily cut her off, squeezing her eyes shut and lunging towards Kota's face, their lips pressing against each others. Lily had seen the love and compassion in Kota's eyes when she was in a moment of realization. Kota's neon green eyes seemed full of stars to Lily after they departed their lips. Kota couldn't believe it. Her beloved had been more in love with her than Kota with Lily. Lily realized what she had just done. "Oh my Mobius, I'm so sorry!" Lily immediately broke into a fit of apologizing as she turned red. Kota stopped her and chuckled, "Hey, it's alright, silly," Lily stopped apologizing as Kota said this, "Let's go get back with the others." Kota grabbed Lily's hand and rushed out of the shop. Lily stopped and yelled, "Wait! We need to pay for the flags!" Kota stopped in her tracks and went red with embarrassment. "Hehe, sorry," Kota said with a sheepish smile. After they went back in and paid, they went over to the others at a marsh green snack shop. When they sat down, a waiter named Rye went over to get their orders. Rye was a brown rabbit with white spots and blotches that had on a white t-shirt with a natural green apron on. "Hello, what drinks do you guys want?" Rye said with enthusiasm. "Uh, yeah, could I get a Bloody Mary?" Amy asks, pointing at the menu in her hand. "Oh, of course," Rye wrote it down in his note pad, "and you?" He looked at Sally, figeting with a pansexual bracelet, "Oh, uhm, I'll get a water with lemon." Rye wrote it down and grunted, "Okay and you?" He looked at Sonic and Shadow. "Can I get a..." Sonic squinted at his menu, "Vaternee? Veterna? Uhh.." Shadow grabbed the menu to see what Sonic was stuttering about, "...Did you mean the Vevetini?" Rye stopped them to warn Sonic, "Uh FYI, the Vevetini has high levels of alcohol. I wouldn't recommend it unless you want a major hangover." Sonic shrugged, "Yeah sure, I'll take those chances." Shadow looked at him as if Sonic said the most idiotic thing known to mobian-kind, "Ugh, anyway, can I get a lemonade?" Rye wrote down everything, "Alright, what about you two?" He looked at Kota and Lily. Kota and Lily looked at each other. "Can I get a strawberry infused vodka?" Lily said, as if she was hesitant. "Uh, yeah, I'll get that too," Kota chimed in. Rye paused and looked at them smugly, his eyes half-closed. Lily averted her eyes and mumbled, "Shut up..." Rye finished writing down the orders on his notepad and went inside. Amy squinted at Kota and Lily, as if they said something suspicious, "Both of you want to get drunk?" Kota replied, "Not- not necessarily, Amy." Sally piped up, " Ya know, you guys have been strangely happy since you came back from the shop, are you guys okay?" Shadow looked at Lily and Kota, then at Sonic, with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Sonic felt the vibe he was getting from them and giggled a bit with Shadow. Kota and Lily looked at them and felt a bit embarrassed. "Uhm, I need to go to the bathroom..." Lily got up and walked to the restrooms. Kota hesitated, then said, "We packed a couple of water bottles in our bag and drank some, I'm gonna go, too." She jumped up from the table and walked to the bathroom. When she entered the girls bathroom with Lily, they looked at each other, then quickly averted their eyes. "Uhm, sorry I- I just-" Lily interrupted Kota, once again. She sighed and said, "It's fine, it's just a bit hot outside." Kota looked at her. What is this? What the fuck? Why am I feeling this? Kota was zoning out with this train of thought. "Kota... Everybody tells me to be myself, but I don't even know what I am..." Kota looked into Lily's glossy eyes. Lily piped up again, "I thought I was bi, but..." Lily looked at the ground, her ears flattened.

This is unfinished and over a year old. I found it on my IPad and wanted to share my cringy reason to why I am now only writing romance if it is absolutely necessary. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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