Confide in Me

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Author of this book: The Queen Slushie (thequeenslushie)
Genre: Werewolf Romance
A little bit about the plot:
An abused girl living in a girl's home is taken in by the Alpha who struggles with anger. They help each other heal from past hurts, and they support each other while they grieve.


    This is such a sweet story, and while the characters' backstories are so sad, this book will melt your heart.
    I appreciate that even though this is a fantasy story, it feels so real, and the characters' emotions and thoughts are so relatable. Also, even though it's a werewolf story, the Alpha isn't cruel, selfish, and abusive. This is such a refreshing read because most male leads in werewolf stories are very mean, and their normally unacceptable behaviors are romanticized. I love that this book isn't another toxic werewolf story.

    If you love sweet, romantic werewolf stories, and books that are real and raw with heartwarming moments, this book is for you!

*Understand that I do not own this story, and this reviews book is for reviewing and recommendation purposes only.
All rights go to their respective owner.

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