Chapter Six ~ Loving

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{Chapter VI ~ Loving}

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{Chapter VI ~ Loving}

"Vahaevon, are you alright?"

It had been a few hours since the servants helped Vahaevon change into sleepwear and into bed, the boy being exhausted from being worked up.

"Yes, it's nothing to worry about uncles" Vahaevon mumbled, his fists having a tight hold on his blankets.

Aegon and Aemond shared a look, they had known their nephew literally their entire lives and knew that the blind boy was lying to them.

Aegon gently took one of Vahaevon's hands into his own and let cripple trace lines along his skin.

"Tell us the truth" He commanded and Aemond gave him a glare at the harsh tone.

"What he means to say is, would you please tell us what is wrong, because there is obviously something wrong" Aemond, ever the kinder one of The King's sons, stated.

"It was- I was being over dramatic, truly it's nothing to worry about, uncles" The blind boy had scolded himself for his emotions, he disliked making himself more useless than he already was.

It was something that only his uncles were aware of, not even his beloved father and his fathers kind lover had noticed.

"Surely not! it was our half-sister wasn't it!" It wasn't a question that Aegon sprouted. Vahaevon pulled his hand from Aegon's at this and started to stress at his cuticles.

"Did she do something? Or was it something she didn't do?" Aemond had spoken in a softer tone, observing Vahaevon's body language. The body language was very easy to read.

"It was stupid, it made me feel stupid" Their nephew mumbled, his chin pressed into his chest and his hands stressing faster, close to drawing blood.

The silence said a lot, Vahaevon knew that his uncles were not pleased with his answer and a harsh pinch to his hand made it even more clear.

"She makes me feel stupid for believing that she could ever love me as she loves Jacaerys and Lucerys"

Aegon frowned and glared into the distance, whilst those of Aemond's glaced over deep into his thoughts. The two could relate to a certain degree.

It was easy to see that the boys lacked a father figure in Viserys and Vahaevon a mother figure in Rhaenyra. Aegon had also learned that Alicent didn't quite view him as her own child, to him it was obvious that she liked Aemond the most.

"I want to go to the dragon pit with mother and ride Syrax, I want to learn Valyrian with her, instead of the maesters, I want her to hug and craddle me like I am her child!" Vahaevon cried, tears rolling over his, now redded, cheeks.

Any resentment that the brothers held only got fueled by the mistreatment of Vahaevon. Their half-sister, who not once tried to bond with them and got spoiled by their father, all because she is the last remaining thing that Queen Aemma left.

The world was simply unfair.

"Once Sunfyre is big enough for us, we'll leave! We'll fly across the Narrow Sea and find a home, that'll be just for us!" Aegon said, it made both Aemond and Vahaevon perk up.

"But surely mother and grandsire wouldn't let us?" Aegon huffed at Aemond's words.

"Of course they won't, which is why we will go in secret!" He beamed, proud of his idea.

"That sounds good and all, but what about my father? I don't think I could forgive myself if I hurt him" Vahaevon said quietly, he owed Laenor a lot. The man kept him alive and raised him when others wouldn't as much look at him.

"He can come with us! He and Ser whatever-his-name-is, both. They can fly on Seasmoke and we'll fly on Sunfyre" Aegon said, it wouldn't surprise Vahaevon if the boy had been planning this for awhile.

"Well, how long till Sunfyre is big enough?" Aemond questioned, now on board with the plan.

They would have to do some more planning, but if it meant he could live his life without the glaring eyes of the court in his back and Vahaevon at his side, he would gladly go.

"A few more years, I think. He has been growing fast lately, but we'll need more space if we wanna bring some of our stuff too" Aegon said, he was rubbing his chin as if deep in thought.

Vahaevon was quiet, pondering if this was truly the right thing to do. He certainly liked the idea of it. No more servants whispering behind his back or the blatant insults the lords and ladies said and had recieved no repercussions for.

"Who knows maybe we can find a witch that can cure Vahaevon's blindness!" Aegon was practically vibrating from excitement at the prospect of it.

"You're thinking very positively, brother" Aemond pointed out, Vahaevon giggled at how blunt Aemond sounded.

"Well at least I'm capable of doing so, my little pessimist of a brother" Aemond grumbled out a Valyrian curse at that.

Vahaevon opened his mouth to speak, however a knock on his chamber doors caught everyone by suprise.

"My prince, Ser Laenor requests your presence in Princess Rhaenyra's solar" A servant had opened the door carelessly, not waiting to be called in.

She was taken aback at the sight of the other princes in the room, they were staring right at her, whilst Vahaevon stared at the wall.

It took her a few seconds to fully process who she was looking at, before bowing to them and greeting them. They did not seem impressed by her.

"Thank you, please help me get dressed" Vahaevon requested, as he had Aemond and Aegon get off of his bed, so he could get up.

The servant quickly walked further into the room, and silently grabbed a pair of fresh clothes from the wardrobe.

Aemond guided Vahaevon to stand in front of the most useless item in Vahaevon's room, the mirror gifted by Lord Borros. It was clearly an insult, but it would be rude to deny a gift... Unfortunately.

The maid carefully dressed the boy, aware of the scrutinized gaze of the other princes. Though she was under order of Ser Criston, she couldn't preform her oders with the princes being in the room as they would surely have her punished.

"We'll escort our nephew to the solar, you are to leave" Aemond ordered, the woman bowed and withheld glaring at the boys.

Aegon and Aemond each took one of Vahaevon's hands gently in their grasp, walking slowly as to not make Vahaevon trip over some of the uneven stones in the Keep. Their guards walking a distance away from them.

As they got closer to the Solar they could hear angered voice shouting, it made them stop in their tracks.

By the look on Ser Qarl's face they had been arguing for a decent while.

"He's your son! Treat him like that!" The voice obviously belonged to Ser Laenor.

"He's blind! He's wasting space and you're wasting your time! Killing him would've been smart, but you grew attached!" The voice of Rhaenyra replied.

Her words made Aemond and Aegon tense, they looked at Vahaevon, who just stared at the ground, his expression blank.

"Do you want us to wait for you here?" Aegon asked softly. Vahaevon shook his head in response.

"I will need you again soon"

Laesdaor Riñnykeā (Being Rewritten!!) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora