Story's 2

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4: ok when I was in 5th grade there was this kid named Mathew so in October or march (I don't remember what month) he got his phone token away for watching and I qrot " naked girls on tiktok " yeah and I'm still mad at him for that.

5: so when I was playing help wanted ( this happened in January btw ) I was in the tape room so when in turned a round I saw glitchtrap * cough cough weasel cough cough* right beside me I was freacked out by this

6:ok so when I was 8 or 9 I was watching fuzion gamer z on YouTube I was eating a doughnut while watching him then I sneezed and what though was a piece of my nose but when I licked it was a big chunk of my doughnut that came out.

Story time with meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora