"Th- Thank you, Newton"
"You're nervous?" Casey sounded worried about Izzie, but in reality Izzie was just internally freaking out.

Casey pulled Izzie in for a soft kiss. She pulled away a little but Izzie pulled her right back in, Casey felt Izzie smiling in the kiss. It felt like that for her too, finally being able to kiss the girl she'd longed for all this time.

Finally accepting that they could be together, accepting that she wanted to be with her. They pulled away after a minute and Izzie was smiling, she went slightly pink and bit her lip.

"Screw it." Casey finally said
"What?" Izzie stopped walking to her side of the car and turned around.
"Do you like maybe wanna be my girlfriend?"
Izzie ran up and jumped on Casey, her legs wrapped round her waist and her arms round her neck.

"Oh my god! What the fuck? Of course!" Casey kissed her one final time before setting her down.

"Where do you wanna go, girlfriend?" Casey smirked once they were both in the car.
"Well I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go to Quinn's party later?"
"Yeah of course. I need to study first though."
"Well maybe I could go home, you could study then we could meet at the party later?"
"Hmm no. I need you to help me study"
"Okay, if you're not studying though I will leave."
"Alright. It's gonna be hard to focus with you there but I'll try."
"How come?"
"Cuz you're pretty." Casey sounded shy when she said this, regardless Izzie grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles.

"You're gonna have to try, Newton."
Casey just laughed a little and turned up the music.

I met her by chance
I said I really like your pants.
Teen romance.

Both the girls found this fitting. Casey mentally registered this in her head, she was glad she met Izzie, even if it wasn't planned. By chance.

They pulled up at the house and went straight up to Casey's room, no one was home yet. She studied for about 5 minutes before already speaking again.

"But It's too hard."
"Okay, well I'll help you." Izzie lay next to Casey, who was lying stomach down on her bed.

"So c squared equals a squared plus b squared. I get it Pythagorus theorem is a bitch but once you do this we can do something fun."
"So what's a hypotenuse?" Casey sounded frustrated with her work, maths wasn't her thing.
"It's this line opposite the right angle. Cmon Newton you can do this."
"Okay, promise we can have some fun after?"
"Of course."
"Thanks for helping me, nerd." Casey placed a quick kiss on izzies cheek and continued to breeze through the work, sometimes muttering to herself answers and thoughts.

"I'm done." She said after about 20 minutes.
"Want me to check it?" Izzie sat next to her girlfriend and ran her hands through her hair.
"No thanks, I just wanna forget about it now."
"Okay well what should we do?" Izzie moved her hands down to Casey's.

"Well the party is in 2 hours, maybe we should get ready?"
"Sure, I need to go home and grab an outfit."
"Okay, I'll drive you."

They got back in the car and just talked. Izzie mentioned something about a journal that she kept.
"Can I read some?"
"I guess, why?"
"Just wanna know what you wrote about me."
"I mean sure, but not when I'm there."
"Okay, I promise I won't read anything you don't want me to."
"Just skip the stuff about my mom. I think there's like 7 pages minimum about you so have fun with that."

They pulled up at the house and Izzie ran in, coming back out with a black dress in her hand and converse in the other.

"Mom was asleep on the sofa so it's all good there, should we go?"
"Of course, pretty girl."
"What did you say?"
"Oh- nothing- I didn't- I'm sorry- I-"
"Shut up, Newton. I like it."

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