Day 02: Touch-Starved

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Nami's head snapped towards the sound and she found her captain jumping off the Sunny's figurehead, his shoulders slumped and steps heavy. The navigator's eyes followed the young man as he moved about the deck, bumping into a sleepy Zoro, barely apologizing or even recognizing his actions.

"Something wrong Captain?" Zoro asked lazily and proceeded to sit up straight.

"Don't sleep in the middle of the deck." Luffy snapped and was on his way to the kitchen, screaming repeatedly about food.

"The hell?" Zoro echoed the words going through Nami's own head and the two made brief eye contact.

"Wait outside! There's still time till lunch!" Sanji's voice cut through the moment and both Zoro and Nami looked at the cook kicking Luffy out of the kitchen.

"But I'm hungry now!" Luffy shouted back and when no response came his way, he stomped his foot with a loud enough 'stupid Sanji and his stupid eyebrow.'

"Luffy, is something wrong?" Nami asked, beckoning the boy. Zoro was keeping an eye from afar in case Luffy snapped at Nami too.

"I wanna punch something! And I'm hungry! And we've been sailing for so long! When are we reaching an island?" Luffy complained, irritability clear as day.

"There is still a few days before we enter an island's magnetic field." Nami answered. "Why don't you spar with Zoro while Sanji-kun makes lunch?" The mentioned swordsman sat up at his mention, eager to see how Luffy would answer.

"No, I don't wanna fight with swords." Just then a flock of birds flew overhead, the noise subduing any other sound for a while. "Shut up you stupid birds!" Luffy shot his rubber arm up towards the birds in an attempt to quieten them.

"I think it's time we made a call." Nami jumped out of her seat at the appearance of Robin's mouth on the arm rest of her chair. Luffy was busy fighting birds.

"Guess so." The orange haired woman sighed and went to gather her sea charts, taking them with her to make the said call.


"Why are we anchoring in the middle of the day? I wanna get to the next island, now!" Luffy complained going to the helm and hanging off Jinbe. "Why are we stopping?!"

"Luffy! Come here!" Nami called from the railing of the upper deck, sparing Jinbe from having to pacify the captain.

"Why?!" Luffy shouted back.

"Just come here!" The captain made a face but shot himself towards his friend nonetheless. "Look down there." Nami pointed at a spot in the blue ocean.

"It's just the sea Nami."

"Wait for it."

Luffy rolled his eyes, impatient but since it was Nami showing him something, it was probably worth the wait so the boy kept his eyes glued to the gentle waves until there began a disturbance below the surface of the sea, followed by bubbles rising up along with something... yellow.

"TORAO!" A wide grin split Luffy's face and he jumped off the railing to the still emerging submarine.

"You're going to-!" Nami's warning was too late for the eager ears of her captain, who had slipped on the wet metal of the Heart Pirates' deck and landed himself in the sea.

"That idiot..." Law muttered shaking his head, appearing on deck, Bepo already diving to search for his captain's boyfriend in the blue sea.

"I thought I'd die..." Luffy coughed, tears in his eyes once he was on the Polar Tang's deck.

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