2. Barnyard Introductions

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Cody's eyes opened to the sound of footsteps in heavy boots. For a moment, he forgot where he was, but then looked ahead and saw the massive stone fireplace... Right. He remembered now.

Following his arrival at the ranch's front door, Cody had been given a hot bowl of stew, dry clothes borrowed from a ranch hand, and then everyone left him to sleep on the couch and rest while Dr. Parathos headed back out into the snow to check on Chase.

After the brief moment of panic had subsided, Cody groaned and plopped back down onto the pillow. He felt like he'd been hibernating for months, every part of him felt heavy and his mind slumping back and trying to sleep even more.

The footsteps caught his attention again, and he looked through sleepy eyes as Dr. Parathos came down the nearby stairs. Other than the glow of the fireplace, the house was dark and quiet.

"Mornin', Cody..." He greeted, "Sorry if I woke ya."

"No no..." Cody yawned, "...I've been up for a while."

"Uh huh..."

Cody rubbed his eyes, "Mmmm... How long was I asleep?"

"About fifteen hours."

Cody blinked.

"No worries, you obviously needed it."
Dr. Parathos walked over and added another log to the fire, "Chase was worried about you."

"I'm not surprised..." Cody shifted position so that he couldn't lay back down so easily, fingers brushing through his hair. "...How's he doing?"

"Pretty banged up, but he'll be just fine. Got him patched up and left him in Peri's capable talons."


"The herd's queen. Motherly sort to just about everyone, but especially the little ones."

Cody nodded, so that one dragon was their queen...

The man gestured to Cody's feet, "How's your ankle feeling?"

Cody shifted his foot around- it still hurt, but more from lack of use than anything else. "...Stiff, but better."


Both of them looked to the window, where Cody could see it was still dark outside. "Is it still storming out there?"

"No, thank the stars... Might just be able to clear out to the road if we get out there now."

"Need some help?"

"You're our guest, you shouldn't feel like you need to-"

Cody swung his legs over the side of the couch, testing his ankle for a moment before standing. "I want to help. I can check on Chase while I'm at it."

Dr. Parathos smirked, "Well, alright then... Grab a coat from the closet and I'll find you some boots and gloves."

Cody nodded, going where directed and collecting a coat. Once dressed for the weather, the two stepped out onto the porch, witnessing the tall drifts and thick blanket of snow across the open space. The wind had died down to just a faint whistle, and the snow was only a few flakes tumbling silently from the heavens. "Wow..."

"Pretty, and pretty annoying." Dr. Parathos mumbled, and then started the trek towards the large building with a glowing light over the doors. Through the silence, Cody could hear the hum of life from beyond the barn's doors. "I'm coming, guys! Just hold on!"

He pulled the doors open and the sound of several voices all greeting at once met Cody's ears. Now that he was far less disoriented and cold, Cody could look at the dragons much more closely. They came in just about every color, and in lots of shapes and sizes, but they all greeted the 'keeper' as they were calling him with the same enthusiasm.

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