When you are on your periods

Start from the beginning

- He will constantly text you 24/7 and call you as well 

8/10 bcuz he will mostly disturb you 


- Does know about it bcuz of his pervert brother 

- Most likely to help you all the time

- Fears you during this period 

- Does bring you eatables and you your favorite drinks and snacks



- Does know about it but wouldn't care

- Most likely to leave you after getting you snacks and drinks + pads for the time being

- Is disgusted but wouldn't show it but will get used to it

- Gets upset when you cry due to cramps and cuddles you 



- Doesn't know about it

- Most likely to cuddle you like a koala bear cuddling a tree

( Here is a photo for reference)

( Here is a photo for reference)

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- Does know about it 

- Most likely to spoil you during this period

- Loves to tease you as well  but gets upset when you cry due to cramps


- Does know about it 

Most likely to cuddle the shit out of you like a sloth cuddling a tree

( Here is a photo for reference)

( Here is a photo for reference)

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- Doesn't know about it so you would have to explain it to him

- Most likely to keep you on schedule and use everything he researched on google 


bcuz he will make you do exercises and not let you eat spicy food ( if you like it bcuz I like it a bit)












Author's Notes

Hi guys! Sorry for the late update, It was bcuz it was a bit hard for me to imagine the head cannons for them and I have been busy with Holiday Homework. Man, I hate school for these reasons only + We have to do a lot of research and the teacher gives us grades for subject enrichment.It takes up half of my holiday to these homework and I swear they hand out homework like free candies. Well, I don't want to bore you with my school tales so tysm for the reads and keep supporting my book like this. Bye! Have a good day/night.

Tokyo Revengers HeadcannonsWhere stories live. Discover now