Plain stupid, I need a drink. Lots of it. "Amelia, getting drunk, wasted, high, useless, or all of the above won't get you anywhere. If you are planning to quit on yourself, you will be nothing and end up dying useless," okay, that was very harsh, "but Amelia, this strong girl in you cannot definitely be wasted and I believe you will get through this eventually, with us. After all, your life has just begun and don't plan on wasting a head start. Your choice." He then started walking away. Pondering, I guess doing a job like that won't matter, besides FBI is giving me a few weeks to recuperate of, yeah.

No, wait probably, or maybe. This is A rare opportunity. "By the way, when you were ten and you just recently discovered your powers, I made a promise to your mother, a promise she requested me to keep and a promise that I voluntarily would do just for you."

"What is it?" Ha, Nick Fury, never thought he'd keep personal promises with anybody.

"To take care of you if anything happens, even though if you're no longer ten or fourteen, or even twenty. Your mother gone, I'll be there to look out for your ass." He walked closer to the bed. Our eye contact had serious intent, and this 'pep talk' is very unnecessary. I need a beer.

I sighed. "Why? I mean you're gone most of the time, saving the world."

"There's always promises with no reasons." I know.

"But why do it?"

"What answer are you seeking?"

I sighed, "I don't know, my parents pasts, importantly myself. Nick, at this point, I have no idea."

"Me either." I looked up, giving him an uncertain look. He's doubtful.

"How about why won't you want to work at S.H.I.E.L.D?"

"Well," yup, I really do not know. He just scoffed and chuckled. I mean I have a good paying job, at least I have a job.

"Exactly, now move your ass, pack your bags. I may need your help in Avengers Initiative." What have I just brought myself ? And honestly, I don't think they need my help.

Nick turned his back and walked away from the room. Abbey stood all this time eavesdropping on the conversation, stepped aside to make way for a director of a really profound counterterrorism organization walking away.

Wait, I never answered. Or what?

~What Nick meant by business, he meant to recruit the Captain, a Doctor, the Assassin, and the genius, playboy, billionaire, philanthropist. From here on out, there will be various point of views, so watch out. Two days earlier~

~Phil's POV~

Finally locking on Natasha's location, it's time to ring her.

While patiently waiting for them to answer, a Russian man answered instead, "Hello?" Totally expected Romanov's interrogation to be over by now.

"Um, yeah, may I speak to Ms. Romanoff, please?"

Then there was a pause, but they better be passing the phone. My phone was answered by another Russian man, I am guessing the boss, who started scolding me in Russian, but I have to interrupt. "You are at 114 Swaleski Plaza, third floor. We have an F-22 exactly eight miles out. Put the woman on the phone or I will blow up the block before you even make the lobby." There was that pause again, and this better be Natasha this time.

I heard as they passed the phone to a panting, Natasha. "Hello?"

"We need you to come in," it really is urgent, for her considering its Barton.

Getting Myself into the Battle of New York ~Avengers~ Where stories live. Discover now